Our God is faithful to deal with all our idols so that He may lead us to drink Him as the fountain of living waters. God is faithful in calling us into the fellowship and enjoyment of His Son, but many times we’re unfaithful to His calling us into His intention; hence, God is […]
God is Faithful to lead us to Drink of Him as the Fountain of Living Waters
An Ambassador of Christ is Constrained by the Love of Christ and Serves God in Spirit

An ambassador of Christ is constrained by the love of Christ and has the sole ambition of being pleasing to God, serving God in spirit and in the Body of Christ. As believers in Christ, we are ambassadors of Christ, those who are determined to be well-pleasing to Christ in all things, being constrained […]
Much and Thorough Prayer to be infused with God’s instruction to Care for the Church

In order for us to know how to care for the saints according to God and how to pray for them, we need to be under the Lord’s shining through much and thorough prayer so that we can see what our situation and their situation is, even as the high priest had the Lord’s […]
We need to First of All Pray and have a Proper Prayer Life in the Church Life Today

A prerequisite for having a proper church life today is to have a prayer life, for a proper church is a praying church; we all need to be prayerful, stand against the sin of prayerlessness, and first of all pray. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, A […]
The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Light of the Truth, the Shining of Light

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth; the truth is in the Bible, but due to man’s negligence and laziness, it was lost, misunderstood, and misinterpreted, so there’s the need for the recovery of the light of the truth according to God’s heart’s desire. This week in our morning […]
Through the Illumination of the Gospel we receive the Christ of Glory as our Treasure

According to 2 Cor. 4:4 and 6, the illumination of the knowledge of the glory of God is in the face of Jesus Christ, meaning that the gospel of the glory of Christ is a lovely person, Jesus Christ, in whose face we can see the glory of God, and who comes into us […]
Be Unveiled and Open to have the Illumination of the Gospel of the Glory of Christ

According to Heb. 1:3, Christ is the image of God and the effulgence of His glory; therefore, the gospel of Christ is the gospel of the glory of Christ that illuminates and shines forth. Amen! We need to be updated and uplifted in our understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the gospel; the gospel is […]