Christ is the desire of God’s heart, for God desires that every person and thing in the universe would express Christ; we exist for the expression of Christ, and Christ is the reality of every positive thing in the universe. Hallelujah! This week we start a new Holy Word for Morning Revival inspired from […]
Christ is the Desire of God’s Heart – we are here for the Expression of Christ!
See the Vision of the Excellent Christ in His Supreme Preciousness & Give Him the First Place

We need to see the vision of the excellent Christ, the One who appeared to Daniel in His supreme preciousness as a man, so that we may appreciate Him, be consoled, encouraged, and stabilized; this Christ must have the preeminence in us. What a wonderful Christ we have! He is wonderful, precious, and excellent; […]
To See God is to Gain God, be Transformed, Purified, and Sent by God to Express God

When we see Christ in glory, we will be terminated, for we realize we’re men of unclean lips, and seeing God causes us to gain God, receive God, and be transformed; furthermore, the Lord purges our lips, for when we see the Lord, we are purified. We need to see a vision of the […]
We Labour on Christ by Exercising our Spirit, caring for the Deep Sense in our Spirit

The key to labouring on Christ, experiencing Christ, and producing Christ is exercising our spirit; we need to take care of the inner sense in our spirit, the deepest part of our being, and exercise our spirit in all things in order to labour on Christ day by day. As believers in Christ, we […]
Christ Produces Himself in us as we Enjoy the Lord and Maintain our Fellowship with Him

As believers in Christ, we need to labour on Christ as the land to produce Christ, realizing that Christ produces Himself in us through our labour as we contact the Lord every morning and fellowship with Him throughout the day. Amen! Our Christ is not just our Savior, our Lord, and our King; He […]
Experience the Functions of God’s Word as we let the Word of Christ Dwell in us Richly

On one hand, we need to let the peace of Christ arbitrate in our hearts; on the other hand, we need to allow the word of Christ to dwell in us richly, allowing the word of the Lord to have the first place in us and to inhabit us so that we may experience […]
Stay under the Ruling of the Enthroned Peace of Christ and Minister Life to Others

We need to stay under the ruling of the enthroned peace of Christ and minister life to others, by the Lord’s grace. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrated in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us, and we will have peace both with God vertically and with […]