Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom Victoriously to be the Riders of the White Horse

The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations before the end of this age; the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, as signified by the white horse of the first seal in Rev. 6, will be a sign of the consummation of […]

Live by the Son as our Life to Live in the Kingdom of the Son of God’s Love today

The Father has delivered us out of the authority of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of God’s love, a wonderful realm of life, love, and light; when we live by the Son as our life in resurrection, we live in this kingdom, enjoying Him in the Father’s love. Amen! […]

Twelve Ways to Pay the Price to Buy the Spirit as the Golden Oil in our Experience

Every day we as believers in Christ need to be watchful by paying the price to buy the Spirit as the golden oil so that we may supply the churches with the Spirit for the testimony of Jesus and be rewarded by the Lord to participate in the marriage dinner of the Lamb. Amen! In […]

Live a Life of Paying the Price to have the Filling of the Holy Spirit in our Soul

As believers in Christ, we need to pay the price daily to buy an extra portion of oil, an extra portion of the Spirit, in our vessel; we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit in our soul by paying the price to have the filling of the Holy Spirit into every part of […]

Being Prudent Virgins seeking to be Filled with the Spirit in our Souls, our Vessels

As believers in Christ and kingdom people, we are both virgins loving the Lord and being filled with Him to wait for His return, and faithful slaves serving Him today; as prudent virgins, we want to have the Spirit not only in our spirit (our lamp) but even more, gain the Spirit in our soul […]

Divine-Human Incorporation: the Father’s House, the Son’s Vine, and the Spirit’s Child

In the resurrection of Christ, He produced an enlarged, divine-human, universal incorporation of the processed Triune God with the regenerated believers as the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s child, and we are all part of this divine-human incorporation! Hallelujah! It is really amazing to see that Christ did not just die for […]

Pilgrims on Earth Live the Life of the Altar and the Tent waiting for New Jerusalem

As believers in Christ who walk in the steps of our father Abraham’s faith, we must live the life of the altar and the tent, taking Christ as our life and the church as our living, realizing that we don’t belong to this world but our home is the New Jerusalem, the city which has […]