Enjoy & Shine the Christ of Glory as the Excellent Treasure in our Earthen Vessel

We need to enjoy and shine forth the Christ of glory as the excellent treasure in our earthen vessel. As believers in Christ, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us; the Christ of glory is the priceless treasure in our […]

Drop our Concepts to be Unveiled and See the Illumination of the Gospel of Christ’s Glory

Because the god of this age actively tries to blind our thoughts so that the illumination of the gospel of the glory of Christ would not shine on us, we need to drop our concepts and be unveiled, worshipping only the Lord and not anything else, so that we may have the glory of God […]

To Live the Christian Life we need to Enjoy the Flow of Life out of the House of God

In order for us to live the Christian life, we need to enjoy the flow of life out of the house of God, giving the flow of life the preeminence in all things and doing all things for God’s glory so that we may have the flow of the living water. Amen! This week in […]

Pray Effective Prayers by Abiding in the Lord for Him to Express Himself through us

Today we can pray effective prayers by abiding in the Lord so that He may express Himself through us in our prayer. Effective prayers are the issue of our abiding in the Lord and of His words abiding in us; prayer is allowing God to express Himself through us and thus accomplish His purpose, for […]

To Abide in the Lord is to be One Spirit with Him and Live in the Mingled Spirit

To abide in the Lord is to be one spirit with Him; the focus of God’s economy is the mingled spirit – the divine Spirit mingled with our human spirit; we need to be one spirit with the Lord and live in our mingled spirit so that we may abide in the Lord all the […]

Abide in Christ by Caring for the Teaching of the Anointing to Know the Mind of God

We abide in Christ so that He may abide in us by caring for the inward teaching of the all-inclusive anointing; the anointing anoints God into us so that we may be saturated with God and know the mind of God in all things. Amen! As believers in Christ, we need to realize that, at […]

The Anointing is on the Body: Being one with the Church to Enjoy the Anointing Spirit

Real oneness is the mingling of the Spirit with the believers; as believers in Christ, we have been anointed with the all-inclusive Spirit, for the heavenly paint is applied to our being, and the whole Body is anointed with the Spirit. Hallelujah! This week we have been enjoying and prayerfully considering the intrinsic significance and […]