Lose our Soul-life for the Lord’s Sake to Enter the Joy of the Lord at His Return

 If we today lose our soul for the Lord’s sake, we will save it and gain it at the Lord’s return; at the Lord’s revelation, some believers will enter into the joy of the Lord while some will suffer in weeping and gnashing of teeth. The Bible is quite clear when it comes to […]

All Faith must be Tested: we Grow and God is Glorified by the Proving of our Faith

 The proving of our faith, much more precious than that of gold, must result in praise, glory, and honour at the revelation of Jesus Christ; our faith needs to be tested, tried, to be approved, and this brings glory to God’s name. Amen! On one hand, God infuses Himself into us to become our […]

All Believers are part of the Household of faith, and Nothing is Impossible to Faith!

 We need to see the effect of faith – nothing is impossible to faith, just as nothing is impossible with God; the believers in Christ are the household of faith, members of the house of faith, and as such, we are organically joined to the Lord as one spirit! Praise the Lord! First, we […]

Gain God by Coming to His Written Word to have the Living Word Applied to us in Faith

 In order for us as believers in Christ to be men full of faith, we need to see that faith comes out of hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ; God’s written word in the Bible needs to become Christ as the living word who is applied to us as the Spirit to […]

We Christians are a Speaking People, Witnesses of the Living Christ Speaking for God

 Christians are a speaking people; a genuine Christian is a speaking Christian, for we are witnesses of the living Christ who testify of what we have seen and heard of Him in our enjoyment and experience of Him. Amen! How can we not speak when we enjoy Christ in His word, we contact Him […]

Living a Crucified Life in Resurrection and Speaking by the Spirit of Faith Daily

 As believers in Christ, we need to practice speaking by the spirit of faith for the building up of the Body of Christ; we need to speak one with the Lord and testify of our experience of Him with the exercise of our spirit to infuse faith into others also. Amen! Faith is in […]

Exercising our Mingled Spirit of Faith to be Infused with God and Speak for God

 As believers in Christ, we have a mingled spirit of faith, for the divine Spirit mingled Himself with our spirit and infused faith into our spirit; having the same spirit of faith, we believe and we also speak. Amen! God desires to be expressed and represented; for this, He created man in His image […]