We need to Learn to Discern the Spirit from the Soul and have a Keen Sense of Life

 If we would live according to the principle of life, we need to discern the spirit from the soul and know the spirit; the key to having a keen sense of life is to love the Lord and drop our opinions. Amen! We believers in Christ have another life in our spirit – we […]

Our Christian Living is Based on the Sense of the Inner Life, not on Right or Wrong

 Our Christian living is based on our inner life, and we determine everything based not on right or wrong but on the divine life within us with its sense and feeling; we need to come before God to determine what is of life and what is of death. Amen! However, if we do not […]

The Two Trees, the Two Principles of Living, and Living According to the Principle of Life

 As believers in Christ, we can live by one of the two principles – we live either by the principle of life or by the principle of right and wrong, good and evil; we can either live on the line of life depending on the Lord as life or we can just live according […]

Enjoying the Triune God as the Law of the Spirit of Life and Living in Resurrection

 We stay on the way of life by enjoying the Triune God as the law of the Spirit of life with its divine capacity and by living in resurrection, in the reality of the church as the Body of Christ, signified by the golden lampstand as the tree of resurrection life. Amen, we as […]

Stay on the Way of Life by Loving the Lord to the Uttermost and by Eating Him in His Word

 We stay on the way of life by loving the Lord to the uttermost, drawing others to run after Him, and by eating Jesus through pray-reading on the Word, musing on God’s word, and ministering the Word as the Spirit into others. As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ, we […]

Stay on the Line of Life by Depending on the Lord and Living by the Sense of Life

 As believers in Christ, we must stay on the line of life, on the way of life, by depending on the Lord for everything and by living and serving according to the principle of life – not according to the principle of right and wrong. Before we were saved, we were on the line […]

Eat the Tree of Life to be Dependent on God, and Saved from Independence and Rebellion

 Eating the tree of life causes us to be dependent on God, to depend on Him as our life, but eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil causes us to rebel against God and be independent of Him. Oh, Lord Jesus! Our Christian life is not a matter of doing the right […]