When we love the Lord, He will manifest Himself to us, and He and the Father will come and make an abode with us; we need to love the Lord and be saved to the uttermost to have His manifestation to us again and again, even all the time. As believers in Christ, it […]
Being a Lover of the Lord and having His Manifestation to us, His Present Presence
Give Yourself to Love the Lord with the First Love and Enjoy Him as the Tree of Life!

The Lord’s recovery is a recovery of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love and of eating the Lord Jesus as the tree of life for the building up of the organic Body of Christ; to believe in the Lord is not enough – we need to love Him, even to give ourselves […]
When we Love the Lord and Enjoy Him as the Tree of Life, we Shine as His Testimony

When we give the Lord Jesus the preeminence in all things and recover the loss of the first love, we enjoy Him as the tree of life and shine with Him to be the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus. Amen! Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life and life […]
Overcome the Loss of the First Love for the Lord by Giving Him the First Place in All Things

As believers in Christ, we need to love the Lord Jesus with the first love, the best love; we need to overcome the loss of the first love and simply give the Lord Jesus the preeminence in all things, giving Him the first place in both big and small things. Amen! When we love […]
Loving the Lord in Incorruptibility to enjoy Him and Love others with Him as our Love

We need to be brought into love, the inner substance of God, to enjoy God and His presence, love others as Christ did, love the Lord in incorruptibility, and be saved from degradation in the church life today. Amen! We need to be those who overcome today, that is, those who love the Lord […]
Learn to Discern things according to Life and Death, not according to Right and Wrong
![For I am jealous over you with a jealousy of God; for I betrothed you to one husband to present [you as] a pure virgin to Christ. 2 Cor. 11:2](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/For-I-am-jealous-over-you-with-a-jealousy-of-God-for-I-betrothed-you-to-one-husband-3.jpg?fit=300%2C169&ssl=1)
As believers in Christ, we need to live according to the principle of life and discern matters not according to right and wrong but according to life and death. When a certain thing, matter, or teaching helps us enjoy the Lord more and brings us into life, that is of life, but if it brings […]
Follow the Inner Sense of Life to Live in the Spirit and Not in the Natural Life

In order for us as believers in Christ to live according to the principle of life, we need to follow the inner sense of life; we need to pray ourselves into the sense of life and walk under its guiding and controlling every moment. At best, the people in the world walk by the […]