Keep our being Open to the Lord to have Proper Spiritual Digestion and Absorb Christ

 As believers in Christ who are learning to eat the Lord as the tree of life, we need to have proper spiritual digestion by keeping our being open to the Lord so that the spiritual food would be absorbed into us and we would be constituted with Christ. The secret to our Christian life, […]

Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life by Musing on the Word of God Daily

 The secret of living the Christian life to be an overcomer is for us to take the way of eating and enjoying Christ as the tree of life; we can eat Him as our spiritual food by eating His words of spirit and life through musing on God’s word. Amen! This week we come […]

God wants us to be God-men who have a Mingled Living of a God-man by Abiding in Christ

 When we as believers in Christ abide in Christ, we live the grafted life, and our living is a mingled living of a God-man, for Christ is our life and we are His living, He’s our content and we are His expression, and He lives in us as we express Him by abiding in […]

Abide in Christ, receive the Dispensing of Life, and Live as Part of the Tree of Life

 As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, we not only eat and drink Christ to partake of Him as our life and life supply, but we also abide in Him and become part of the tree of life, as branches in the vine. Wow, Hallelujah! […]

In the Grafted Life, our Human Life is not Eliminated but Uplifted by the Divine Life

 In the grafted life, the human life is not eliminated but is strengthened, uplifted, and enriched by the divine life, while the negative elements are discharged. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we not only believed into the Lord and now call ourselves Christians; we were grafted into Christ, and our Christian life is a […]

God and Man can be Grafted together and become One in an Organic Union, a Grafted Life

 The relationship God desires to have with man is that He and man be grafted together and thus become one in an organic union; this is possible because man was created in God’s image and likeness, so the human life resembles the divine life. Wow, Hallelujah! The desire of God’s heart, as revealed in […]

The Relationship God desires to have with man is that God and Man become One!

 The Bible reveals that the relationship God desires to have with man is that God and man become one; He wants to be one with man and make man one with God for Him to gain an organism, the Body of Christ, to express Him on earth. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]