Have the Living of the Jubilee and Proclaim Christ as the Jubilee

As believers in Christ, we need to see that the living of the jubilee is the living in the enjoyment of Christ, a living of enjoying God as our inheritance and our real freedom in our daily living, for we learn to take God as the primary factor and center of our living. Amen! This […]

Illustrations of the Jubilee: the Parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son

The proclamation of the jubilee in Luke 4 governs the central thought of the whole Gospel of Luke, and the parables of the good Samaritan in Luke 10 and the prodigal son in Luke 15 are excellent illustrations of the jubilee. The Lord Jesus came to announce the jubilee, even to proclaim the acceptable year […]

Being Glorified until the Lord is Transfigured in us at His Coming in His Kingdom

Praise the Lord, we are in the process of being glorified until the Lord is transfigured in us and His divinity saturates our humanity at the time of His coming in His kingdom! Hallelujah! At the time of the manifestation of the kingdom, our humanity will be glorified by the glorious divinity within us, for […]

Experience Transfiguration in the Church Life by Losing our Soul-Life for the Lord

We can experience transfiguration in the church life today by losing our soul-life for the Lord’s sake and for the sake of the church. The church as the kingdom of God cannot exist in the natural life but only in the realm of transfiguration; if we today are willing to lose our soul-life for the […]

The Kingdom of God is Christ Growing in us until He is Transfigured Within us

The kingdom of God is the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus, for whenever the Lord Jesus is transfigured within us to be manifested through us, that is the kingdom of God coming in power (see Mark 9:1-2). Amen! God wants to bring in His kingdom on the earth, and the work of God today is […]

Repentant People are Baptized in Water and in Spirit to become the Kingdom People

The meaning of baptism is that repentant people are baptized in water outwardly and in Spirit inwardly so that they may become kingdom people. Through baptism we as repentant people are brought out of our old state into a new one, for our old life is terminated and we’re germinated with the new life of […]

The Parable of the Sower: Christ makes His Home in our Heart for God’s Building

The parable of the sower illustrates how Christ makes His home in our heart for God’s building. The Lord as the Sower came to sow Himself as the seed of life into our heart, and God strengthens us with Himself as the element while we afford the Lord the nutrients for Him to grow in […]