As believers in Christ who pursue the Lord and love Him with the first love, we should love His appearing and earnestly await for the Lord’s coming; our very living should indicate that we have no other hope on earth. As believers in Christ, genuine Christians, are a special group of people; we are […]
We love the Lord, Earnestly Wait for His Coming, and we pray, Come, Lord Jesus!
Our Linking Faith being Developed and Praying Prayers with Christ as Incense Today

We need to have our linking faith developed to be the Lord’s overcomers full of faith at His return, and we need to pray the prayers to release God’s judgment on the earth, with Christ as the incense. The prayer in Luke 18 is answered in Rev. 8:5 and 6:9-11; as we pray persistently […]
We ought to Pray Persistently and not Lose Heart for God to Avenge us and Vindicate Himself

While Satan, our opponent, is persecuting us and opposing us, it seems that our God is like the unrighteous judge in Luke 18, for He allows us to be unrighteously persecuted; however, we out to pray persistently to be avenged by God and should not lose heart. In the book of Esther, we see […]
Pray to be Avenged of our Opponent who Persecutes us during the Lord’s Apparent Absence

We need to pray to be avenged of our opponent who persecutes us and deceives us during the Lord’s apparent absence. We believers in Christ have an opponent, Satan the devil, who persecutes and accuses us, and we need to pray persistently that the Lord would avenge us; furthermore, we need to escape his […]
Seeing that the Hiding God Secretly takes care of His People and Openly Saves Them

The book of Esther shows us a vivid record of how the hiding God of Israel secretly took care of His oppressed elect in their dispersion and openly saved His persecuted elect in their captivity; the hidden God cares for us and saves us even today, though He conceals Himself. We human beings are […]
The God we Serve is Hiding Himself, and He Operates in us Silently yet Mightily

We need to realize that the omnipotent God whom we are serving is still hiding Himself, especially when He is helping us or doing things in us, for the God who hides Himself is operating within us silently yet mightily. Amen, what a God we have! He is real, so real, yet He is […]
Being Empowered in the Lord to Fight the Battle in the Body to Deal with God’s Enemy

The warfare between the church and Satan is a battle between us who love the Lord and who are in His church and the evil powers in the heavenlies; we fight the battle in the Body by the power of the Lord! Hallelujah! In order for the church to be built up as the […]