The New Jerusalem is the bride, the wife of the Lamb; the holy city is the ultimate consummation of the divine romance, a universal couple, a loving pair eternally, of God and man. Hallelujah! We need to see a vision of the New Jerusalem and have it applied to our Christian life and church […]
The New Jerusalem is the Bride of the Lamb, a Universal Couple, a Loving Pair Eternally
We have the Right to Participate in God’s Image and to Participate in God’s Glory

As believers in Christ, we are God-men who have the divine right to participate in God’s image by being metabolically transformed into the image of Christ and we have the right to participate in God’s glory. Hallelujah! We need to be reminded of our divine rights. We are not only human beings but divine-human […]
Participate in God’s Mind to have the Mind of Christ and Participate in God’s Being

Because we believers in Christ have become God-men through regeneration, we have the right to participate in God’s mind and have the anointing, the inner sense of life in our spirit, and we have the right to participate in God’s being. The New Testament clearly tells us that as many as believe into Christ, […]
Having Morning Watch to Contact the Lord in Spirit and in the Word

The most precious possession a human being can have is the presence of God and the indwelling of His word. I really appreciate this wonderful fact this morning: Praise the Lord that we have something very substantial, available, and practical in our hands. We have the Word. We can read the Word and receive it […]
We Believers in Christ have the Divine Right to Participate in God’s Life and Nature

As believers in Christ, we are God-men, men born of God, and we have the divine right to participate in God’s life and in God’s nature; it is our right to participate in these things. Hallelujah! God created us, men, in His image and according to His likeness, and He put the tree of […]
Experience Reigning in Life by being Under the Ruling of the Divine Life Inwardly

As believers in Christ, we need to enter into the experience of reigning in life; we need to be under the ruling of the divine life, subdue all kinds of insubordination, have our hearts directed by the Lord, and become the same as the Lord is in every possible way. When we hear of […]
Building up, Conformed to Christ’s Image, and Glorified in God’s Complete Salvation

As believers in Christ, we experience building up as the joining and knitting together in the divine life in the Body, we are conformed to the image of Christ in the maturity of the divine life, and we will be glorified to enter into the full manifestation of God’s complete salvation. Hallelujah! The organic […]