In the church life, we need to persevere in prayer, having a continuous prayer life, so that we may be praying people, those who depend on the Lord in everything and who speak one with the Lord to meet the need. In order for us to have a proper church life, we need to […]
Having a Continuous Prayer Life to be Filled in Spirit for an Enriched Church Life
Much and Thorough Prayer to be infused with God’s instruction to Care for the Church

In order for us to know how to care for the saints according to God and how to pray for them, we need to be under the Lord’s shining through much and thorough prayer so that we can see what our situation and their situation is, even as the high priest had the Lord’s […]
We need to Pray in Every Place Lifting Holy Hands without Wrath and Reasoning

As believers in Christ, we need to have a prayer life for the church life, and we need to pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, without wrath or reasoning; our prayer needs to be backed up by our living without arguing, reasoning, contention, and anger. Amen! Instead of talking so much, we […]
We need to First of All Pray and have a Proper Prayer Life in the Church Life Today

A prerequisite for having a proper church life today is to have a prayer life, for a proper church is a praying church; we all need to be prayerful, stand against the sin of prayerlessness, and first of all pray. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, A […]
We need to Know and Study the Highest Truth in the Bible to be Equipped to Speak

We need to fully know and be absolute for the highest truth in the Bible, and we need to be equipped with the truth so that we may speak the high truth to others for God to gain them and bring them into His eternal purpose. Amen! May we be those who are brought […]
Pay the Price to have the Truth Wrought into us and Constituted into our Being

We need to have the truth wrought into our being, constituted into our being, so that we may be able to properly explain the truth in God’s word to bring others not merely a temporary inspiration but the solid truth for them to enjoy and experience Christ. When we speak of the truth, we […]
The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Light of the Truth, the Shining of Light

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the light of the truth; the truth is in the Bible, but due to man’s negligence and laziness, it was lost, misunderstood, and misinterpreted, so there’s the need for the recovery of the light of the truth according to God’s heart’s desire. This week in our morning […]