Cooperate with God’s Economy by Exercising our Spirit to Receive God’s Dispensing

We want to be those who cooperate with God’s economy by exercising our spirit day by day to receive God’s dispensing. God’s eternal economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into His chosen people so that He may have a house to express Himself; we cooperate with God’s economy by seeing it […]

We Love the Lord’s Appearing to Enjoy Christ as our Kingdom Reward at His Coming

If we want to enjoy Christ as our kingdom reward, we must love the Lord and His appearing, being lovers of God in today’s age of the church’s decline; the Lord’s appearing is His manifestation to us today and His presence with His people at His second coming. Amen! This week we come to the […]

We Pray for our Beloved to Come and Set up His Kingdom on the Earth: Come, Lord Jesus!

As lovers of Christ, we are advancing with Him in the divine romance until we pray for our Beloved to come and set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom to fill the whole earth, for when He comes faith will be turned to facts, we will love Him in shadowless perfection, and we will serve […]

Hoping to be Raptured, we Lean on our Beloved and Trust in His Preserving Power

In our progressive experience of Christ and our loving pursuit of Him in our Christian life, we hope to be raptured, and we come up from the earthly realm by leaning on our Beloved; we lean on our Beloved Lord Jesus, trusting in Him, relying on Him to take us all the way to the […]

An Affectionate and Spiritual Relationship with the Lord Prepares us to be His Bride

The book of Song of Songs is a history of love in an excellent marriage revealing the progressive experience of an individual believer’s loving fellowship with Christ for the preparation of His bride; we need to have a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord day by day. Amen! This week we come […]

Pay the Price to Wholeheartedly Walk on the Journey Ordained by God for us to the End

The last part of the journey ordained by God for each one is the most difficult part of the journey, for what matters is not only how we run but also how we end our course; we should not grow weary but run the race to the end. Amen! In 1 Cor. 10:1-13 we see […]

Christ becomes our Faith as we Look unto Jesus and Let the Law of Life Operate in us

As we look unto Jesus and let the law of life operate in us, Christ becomes our faith and we simply believe, for Christ Himself believes in us, one with us. Though we are believers in Christ, in our natural being we do not have faith, but faith rises up in us when we look […]