If we want to experience the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity, we need to breathe in the Spirit, drink Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit, and eat Christ as the bread of God; today we want to we can drink the living water of life in resurrection to enjoy all that God is. Hallelujah! […]
We need to Drink the Living Water in Resurrection to Remain in the Divine Dispensing
Constantly Breathe in the Lord by Calling on His Name to Pray Unceasingly
As believers in Christ, we can never graduate from breathing the Lord; we need to breathe in the Spirit all the time by praying unceasingly and calling on the name of the Lord. Just as we physically have to breathe in order to live, so we need to spiritually breathe in order to live. […]
When we Set our Mind on the Spirit, we Enjoy the Divine Dispensing in and for the Body
When we take heed to the inner sense of the spirit, the law of the Spirit of life is activated within us; the secret of our Christian life which we must learn is to set our mind on our spirit by taking heed to our spirit so that we may live in spirit and […]
Coming to God in Prayer to Absorb God and Express Him, Inquiring in His Presence
In order for us to enjoy the divine dispensing in our daily life, we need to cooperate with the indwelling and automatic law of the Spirit of life through prayer; first, we need to let God speak to us, and then speak back to Him what He has spoken, that is, we first need […]
God Dwells in us – He is the Law of the Spirit of Life Installed in our spirit!
It is amazing to realize that God dwells in us – He is the law of the Spirit of life installed in our spirit! Wow! Romans chapter 8 is the focus of the entire Bible and the center of the universe, and if we experience what this chapter reveals, we’re in the center of […]
In the Maturity of the Life of Christ we become the Shulammite, Christ’s Duplication
As we enjoy and experience Christ in the divine dispensing and remain in the divine romance, we grow unto maturity of Christ’s life and are built up to be the church as the Body of Christ and His bride, and we become the Shulammite, the reproduction and duplication of Christ to match Him for […]
In the Divine Romance we become One with God to be His Dwelling Place and City
In the divine romance, we become one with God to be His dwelling place and city for His corporate expression. As those who love the Lord and pursue after Him in love, we need to become mature in the life of Christ and be built up as God’s house and His city, and we […]