The good land of Canaan is a type of the all-inclusive Christ; it is a land flowing with milk and honey, for Christ is so good, so sweet, and so rich for us to enjoy, experience, partake of, and minister to one another in the church life for the building up of the church. […]
Enjoy and Share the Rich and Sweet Christ, the Land Flowing with Milk and Honey
We Labour on Christ by Exercising our Spirit, caring for the Deep Sense in our Spirit
The key to labouring on Christ, experiencing Christ, and producing Christ is exercising our spirit; we need to take care of the inner sense in our spirit, the deepest part of our being, and exercise our spirit in all things in order to labour on Christ day by day. As believers in Christ, we […]
Being Diligent to Labor on Christ, Seeking Christ and Enjoying Him in every Situation
We need to be diligent to labor on Christ, seeking Christ and enjoying Him in every situation. As those who have entered into Christ as the reality of the good land, we need to live a life of laboring on Christ; we need to labor on Christ day by day by enjoying and experiencing […]
We need to Persevere in Prayer and Remain in an Atmosphere of Prayer Day by Day
In order for us to fight on God’s side against Satan, we need to persevere in prayer, make a deal with the Lord concerning our prayer life, set aside definite times for prayer, and remain in an atmosphere of prayer by continually exercising our spirit. Amen, may we learn to pray, remain in an […]
Allow Adequate Time for Prayer to Come to the Throne of Grace and Enjoy Mercy and Grace
As those who love the Lord and seek after Him, we need to have adequate times of prayer to absorb the Lord and be filled with the Spirit, and we need to come to the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy to recharge our spiritual batteries. Amen! Three of the most wonderful […]
Stay under the Ruling of the Enthroned Peace of Christ and Minister Life to Others
We need to stay under the ruling of the enthroned peace of Christ and minister life to others, by the Lord’s grace. If we allow the peace of Christ to arbitrated in our hearts, this peace will settle all the disputes among us, and we will have peace both with God vertically and with […]
Live in Union with the Lord and Pray in the Name of the Lord to Accomplish God’s Will
As those learning to do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, we need to pray in the name of the Lord, that is, live in union with Him and allow God to be manifested through us, thus praying what He prays and uttering prayer in accordance to God’s will. Amen! This […]