The kingdom of God is preached to produce the church, and the church brings in the kingdom of God; the church was brought into being to bring in the kingdom and also to deal with God’s enemy so that God may obtain a kingdom on earth and His enemy would be dealt with. Amen! The […]
Stand in Christ’s Victory and Submit to God’s Rule: the Church Brings in the Kingdom
We Believers Live the Kingdom Life in the Church by Living in the Mingled Spirit
![For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Rom. 14:17](
The genuine church is the kingdom of God in this age, and we believers live the kingdom life in the church; only when we live and walk according to the spirit do we live in the reality of the kingdom to be the church. Amen! The Lord Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom, and […]
The Kingdom Produces the Church and the Church Brings in the Kingdom of God
![Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on earth. Matt. 6:10](
Without the kingdom as the reality of the church, the church cannot be built up; the kingdom produces the church and the church brings in the kingdom with the result of the kingdom and the church, and today we live in the church life by living in the reality of the kingdom of God. Amen! […]
The Reality of the Kingdom of the Heavens is the Content of the Church Life today
![...upon this rock I will build My church...I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens... Matt. 16:18-19](
The kingdom is the reality of the church, and apart from the kingdom life, we cannot live the church life; the reality of the kingdom of the heavens is the content of the church life. We need to see what is the relationship between the kingdom and the church. When the Lord Jesus came as […]
The Gospel Brings in the Life of God, the Kingdom of God, which Produces the Church
![...And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth. Dan. 2:35](
The life of God is the kingdom of God, and this life produces the church; the gospel brings in the divine life, which is the kingdom, and this divine life with its realm produces the church, where we live today. Hallelujah for the church and for the kingdom! This week we come to the topic […]
Live a Life in the Depths and have Deep Experiences of Christ, Not Exposing our Roots
![Deep calls unto deep... Psa. 42:7](
As believers in Christ, we need to have direct and intimate fellowship with the Lord to live a life in the depths, having roots that go deep down in God and not showing forth our roots but rather, having many hidden, private, and intimate experiences with God and of God. We need to live the […]
Deep Calls Unto Deep: take Time to Absorb Christ and have a Hidden Life with Him
![...take root downward and bear fruit upward. Isa. 37:31](
Deep calls unto deep, and only what comes from the depths of our being can touch the depths of others’ being; we need to send roots downward and bear fruit upward, sending our roots deep down into Christ in our personal and private time with Him and not exposing our roots but having hidden and […]