We need to see how to live a life in the eyes of God that will enable us to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land; we need to live a life of labouring on Christ daily to obtain a rich produce of Christ and have our hands full of Christ when we […]
We’re Labouring upon Christ Daily to have our Hands Full of Christ to Offer to God
We Enjoy the Grace of the Lord with our Spirit as the Reality of the Good Land

The reality of the good land is Christ Himself as the divine grace, for the grace of the Lord is God in Christ as the Spirit given to us for our enjoyment to energize us, enable us, support us, and strengthen us to live Christ and minister Christ to others as grace. Amen, Hallelujah! This […]
Worship God in Truthfulness with the Christ who Saturates our being to be our Reality

According to John 4:23-24, we need to worship God our Father in spirit and in truthfulness; to worship God in truthfulness is to worship Him with the Christ we enjoyed and experienced, the Christ who saturates our being to become our personal reality through our experience and enjoyment of the Triune God as the divine […]
Offer Christ to God for our Worship of God in Spirit in the Meetings of the Church

As believers in Christ, we need to offer Christ to God for our worship of God in spirit in the meetings of the church. In these last days, the Lord will recover and is recovering the genuine experience of Christ for a surplus of His riches to be offered in the meetings for the building […]
Let us Bring a Harvest of Christ to the Meetings for the Genuine Worship of God

We need to daily labour on Christ and have a rich surplus of Christ to bring a harvest of Christ to the meetings of the church for our genuine worship of God. Because the church is the issue of the surplus of the enjoyment and experience of Christ of all the saints, we need to […]
Church Life is a Life of Labouring on Christ, Producing Christ, and Exhibiting Christ

The church life is a life of labouring on Christ, producing Christ, and bringing the Christ we enjoy and experience to the meetings of the church to exhibit Christ. Whenever we believers in Christ come together, we should come with the Christ we have experienced and enjoyed as the surplus to be offered to God […]
Being Filled Continuously with the Spirit for the Noble Work of Building up the Church

We need to be filled continuously with the Spirit for the noble work of building up of the church as the Body of Christ. If we want to walk in the all-inclusive Christ as the reality of the good land, we need to have much and thorough prayer in our life and service, praying at […]