We need to lay hold of the Lord Jesus not only as our Physician but also as our Bridegroom; Christ is our Bridegroom and we are in the process of becoming His bride, so we rejoice with Him and in Him, loving Him and being prepared to be His loving bride to match Him. Amen! […]
Christ is our Bridegroom and we’re the Sons of the Bridechamber Becoming His Bride
Experience and Enjoy Christ as our Physician to be Healed in our Spirit and Soul

As believers in Christ, we need to experience, enjoy, and express Christ as our Physician so that we may be healed in our spirit and soul and be the citizens of His heavenly kingdom on the earth. The Lord Jesus as the King of the heavenly kingdom came not as a Judge but as a […]
We can Experience and Enjoy Christ as the Great Light until we Shine like the Sun

As believers in Christ, we can experience and enjoy Christ as the great light shining in the darkness until we shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of our Father! Amen! Christ is the great light shining on those sitting in darkness and rising on those sitting in the region and shadow of death; […]
In the New Jerusalem we will See God’s Face, Enjoy His Shining and Shine Him Forth

In the New Jerusalem, God’s redeemed people will see God’s face continually, His name will be on their foreheads, and the unlimited glory of God will shine forth as light with Christ as the lamp through the New Jerusalem to the whole universe. Hallelujah, our eternal destiny as believers in Christ is to be under […]
Children of Light Walk in the Light to have the Fruit of the Light Expressing God

We believers in Christ were once darkness but are now light in the Lord, and we need to walk as children of light, one with the Lord, having the fruit of the light; we today walk not according to right and wrong but in love and light to express God, our Father. Amen! What a […]
Beholding and Reflecting the Glory of the Lord to be Transformed into His Image

We all as believers in Christ, having an unveiled face, need to behold and reflect like a mirror the glory of the Lord to be transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from the Lord Spirit; when we’re beholding and reflecting the Lord, we are conformed to His image to shine […]
Enjoy & Shine the Christ of Glory as the Excellent Treasure in our Earthen Vessel

We need to enjoy and shine forth the Christ of glory as the excellent treasure in our earthen vessel. As believers in Christ, we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God and not out of us; the Christ of glory is the priceless treasure in our […]