We’re being Transformed and Glorified to be New Jerusalem to Shine forth God’s Glory

The glory of God is intrinsically related to the economy of God, for in His economy God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for man to be glorified and express God, even to shine forth God’s glory in the universe. Hallelujah! When we speak of glory […]

We’re Created in God’s Image and Called by His Glory to Express God in His Glory

As believers in Christ, we believe into a God of glory, we are called by His glory and into His glory, and we need to have His daily appearing as the God of glory! Amen! This week we come to the topic of Glory and Glorification as Revealed in the Gospel of John. We need […]

Divine-Human Incorporation: the Father’s House, the Son’s Vine, and the Spirit’s Child

In the resurrection of Christ, He produced an enlarged, divine-human, universal incorporation of the processed Triune God with the regenerated believers as the Father’s house, the Son’s vine, and the Spirit’s child, and we are all part of this divine-human incorporation! Hallelujah! It is really amazing to see that Christ did not just die for […]

The Compound Anointing Spirit and the Lord Spirit for our Transformation for the Body

The life-giving Spirit with our spirit is the compound anointing Spirit as the anointing to anoint and seal us for the impartation and application of all that God is to our being, and He is the Lord Spirit for our metabolic transformation and for the growth and building up of the Body of Christ. Oh, […]

It is as the Consummated Spirit that Christ can Live in us and we can Abide in Him

After passing through the processes of incarnation, human living, crucifixion, death, and resurrection, Christ became a life-giving Spirit, and He came to breathe Himself as the consummated Spirit, the holy breath, into the disciples; it is as the Spirit that He can live in us and we can live by Him and do all things […]

Christ became the Life-giving Spirit and the Word to give us Life: we can Eat Him!

The Lord Jesus is the bread of life, and He gave His flesh for us to eat and His blood for us to drink; however, the physical flesh profits nothing – it is the Spirit who gives life, and the words the Lord speaks to us are spirit and life, for Christ has become the […]

Christ Speaks for God by being the Ladder joining God and Man for God’s Building

Christ speaks for God by being the ladder joining God and man for God’s building; He is the heavenly ladder installed in our spirit to make us one with God for God’s building today. Christ as the Word of God speaks for God through His becoming the ladder that brings heaven (God) to earth (man) […]