Touch the Triune God to Enjoy the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as our Real Blessing

 When we touch the Triune God, we enjoy the Father, the Son, and the Spirit as our real blessing. The Father blesses us and keeps us, the Son shines on us and is gracious to us, and the Holy Spirit lifts up His countenance upon us and gives us peace; the real blessing is […]

The Father Blesses us and Keeps us, and Christ Shines on us and is Gracious to us

 Hallelujah, the Father blesses us and keeps us, Christ the Son shines on us and is gracious to us, and the Spirit lifts up His countenance upon us and gives us peace! In Num. 6:22-27 we see the eternal blessing of the Triune God, with the Father keeping us in His name, in the […]

God as Blessing comes to us through the Divine Dispensing to Accomplish God’s Economy

 In this universe, the unique blessing is the Triune God, and this blessing comes to us through the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment to accomplish His divine economy. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we start a new series based on the 2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference with […]

We Enjoy the Riches of God in Christ by Remaining in the Touch with the Lord

 Hallelujah, we can enjoy the riches of God in Christ by remaining in the touch with the Lord in our spirit day by day! In the universal household of God, the greatest household in the universe, Christ is the unique Steward having the key of David on His shoulder, and He opens and closes […]

We are Fired and Replaced by Christ – Now we Live one with Him and He Lives in us!

 As those who aspire to be the Lord’s overcomers today, the church of brotherly love, we need to realize that we have been fired and replaced with Christ, and today we live in an organic union with the Lord in which it is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us. […]

The Overcomers in Philadelphia Keep the Lord’s Word by Remaining in God’s Economy

 As those who aspire to be the overcomers in Philadelphia, we need to arrive at the highest peak of the divine revelation in God’s economy; we need to hold to the apostles’ teaching with our little power, not deny the Lord’s name, and have His name inscribed on us as our name-badge that we […]

We need to See and Practice the Present Truth to Change the Age and bring Christ back

 As believers in Christ pursuing Him and seeking Him we need to see, live, and practice the present truth, the up-to-date truth, in order to change the age and bring Christ back; we need to be brought into a new revival to turn the age by choosing to take the way of Philadelphia. Amen, […]