When we take heed to the inner sense of the spirit, the law of the Spirit of life is activated within us; the secret of our Christian life which we must learn is to set our mind on our spirit by taking heed to our spirit so that we may live in spirit and […]
When we Set our Mind on the Spirit, we Enjoy the Divine Dispensing in and for the Body
Cooperate with the Law of the Spirit of Life to Enjoy the Divine Dispensing Daily

How wonderful it is that we can cooperate with the law of the Spirit of life to enjoy the divine dispensing of the Triune God daily simply by turning to our spirit! When we believers in Christ received the Lord by believing into Him, He functioned as the law of the Spirit of life […]
The Key to being an Overcomer is the Law of the Spirit of Life seen in Romans 8

The key to being an overcomer is the law of the Spirit of life in Rom. 8, a chapter for desperate seekers; when we enjoy the law of the Spirit of life, we’re ushered into the reality of the Body of Christ, for this law operates within us as we live in the Body […]
We Keep God’s Courting Word by having a Responsive and Affectionate Love for Him

The entire Bible is a divine romance, and Song of Songs in particular is an abridged form of this romance between God and man; we need to keep God’s courting word by having a responsive and affectionate love for Him, loving Him as our Husband. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You! Most unbelievers and […]
The Bible is a Holy Romance: God is a Lover and we’re His Counterpart loving Him

The Bible is a holy romance, in the most pure and the most holy sense, of a universal couple – God in Christ as the Bridegroom and we as God’s redeemed as the bride. What a wonderful view of the Bible! This week we come to a new topic in the morning revival related […]
Blessed with the Inner Circulation of the Triune God as Love, Grace, and Fellowship

The entire church life depends on 2 Cor. 13:14, the circulation of the Divine Trinity, the current of the Divine Trinity in us – which is our spiritual pulse; we need to receive, enjoy, and flow out the Triune God as He is dispensing Himself into us in His divine economy. Amen! Many Christians […]
The Threefold Blessing of the Triune God for the Dispensing of Himself into Man

May the Lord unveil us to see the threefold blessing of the Triune God for the dispensing of Himself into us. The Triune God as our blessing is dispensing Himself into us by means of the love of God as the source, the grace of the Lord Jesus as the course, and the fellowship […]