As the mingling of the Triune God with the tripartite man, the New Jerusalem will be a great meal offering, the ultimate consummation of the mingling of the Triune god with the tripartite man. Hallelujah, for eternity we will enjoy the Lord, partake of Him, and be filled with Him to be a continual, […]
Having a Mingling Living Today to Consummate New Jerusalem, the Great Meal Offering
Eating Jesus to live a Christian Life as a Duplication of Christ’s God-man Living

The meal offering typifies our Christian life as a duplication of Christ’s God-man living; by eating Christ as the meal offering, we can live because of Him and can live the same kind of life on earth as He did. Many times we read the Bible, especially the Gospels, and we are so impressed […]
Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ and Pray-reading for the Genuine Church life

The genuine church life is through the inner experience of the indwelling Christ, especially His making His home in our heart; to have the genuine church life, we need to experience and enjoy the riches of Christ by pray reading the word of God. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of […]
Experience Christ as Everything and Taking up our Cross for the Genuine Church Life

The way for us to realize the genuine church life is to experience Christ as everything to us; furthermore, the genuine church life requires us to take up our cross and follow the Lord, for only when the self is crossed out can Christ come to be the reality of the church life. The […]
We need to Grow and Mature in the Life of Christ until Christ is Formed in us

In order for us to be mature in the divine sonship and be sons of full age, we need to grow unto maturity until Christ is formed in us; Christ is being formed in us and we are conformed to His image little by little, day by day. Hallelujah! Our need today is to […]
Our Need for Transformation and Maturity to have the Fullness of the Life of God

Our need today is for transformation and maturity in the life of God, being not only transformed by God’s life that regenerated us but also filled with this life. In order for us to be mature so that we may be ready for the Lord to rapture us at His return, we need to […]
Build the Wall to Protect the Church and Magnify Christ to be the Expression of God

We need to build up the wall to protect the church as the house of God and we need to live by Christ and to live out Christ, thus magnifying Christ so that we can build up the church as the expression of God. Amen! We have seen how the ministry of Ezra and […]