The Shepherding that Builds up the Body of Christ is Mutual Shepherding in Love

 The shepherding that builds up the Body of Christ is mutual shepherding; we need to shepherd one another in mutuality, relying on those whom we shepherd and receiving their portion, both shepherding others and being shepherded by them so that through this mutual shepherding the church as the Body will build itself up in […]

Being Constituted with Christ to Live a Shepherding Life with an Enlarged Heart

 In order for us to shepherd according to God, we need to live a shepherding life, being constituted with Christ so that our heart may be enlarged, we would live an all-fitting life, and we would cherish and nourish the flock of God with the Father’s love and the Son’s seeking spirit. The Lord […]

We Shepherd others by Teaching them in Love the Healthy Teaching of God’s Economy

 Shepherding depends on teaching; for us to shepherd others, we need to be filled with the healthy teaching of God’s economy and teach others in a loving and caring way. In the church life, we are learning from the Lord Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, to shepherd one another. To shepherd is to render all-inclusive, […]

Like Christ, we need to be a Man of Prayer who Lives in God’s Presence Constantly

 As believers in Christ, we follow the pattern of the Lord Jesus and take Him as the reality of the burnt offering to have the same kind of living He did while on earth; He was a man of prayer, one with God, living in the presence of God, trusting in God, being satisfied […]

God put us in Christ as the Mold for us to Learn Christ as the Reality is in Jesus

 As believers in Christ, we were put into Christ as the mold at the time of our baptism, and now we are learning Christ as the reality is in Jesus by being conformed to the image of Christ so that the living of Jesus would be duplicated in us, the members of the Body […]

The Reality of the Body: a Corporate living of a Crucified Life by the Divine Life

The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ, which is the corporate living of a group of God-men who have been perfected and matured; we need to live a crucified life by the divine life following the Lord’s pattern to be in the reality of the Body of Christ. […]

Adorn and Consummate the New Jerusalem by Enjoying, Experiencing, and Ministering Christ

As believers in Christ, we can adorn and consummate the New Jerusalem by enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, and ministering Christ for the building up of the church. The consummation of the Bible is the final building of God, the New Jerusalem; eventually, the Triune God and redeemed humanity will be mingled, blended, and built up […]