By experiencing Christ as the wine-producing vine and by being filled with Him as the new wine, we believers in Christ may become a drink offering in Him and with Him, being poured out upon the saints’ sacrifice of the faith. Hallelujah! The most happy person in the world is not the most selfish one […]
Drink and be Saturated with Christ as the New Wine to become a Drink Offering to God
Build up the Habit of Drawing Water from the Springs of Salvation: Drink and Flow God

We believers in Christ need to build up the habit of drawing water from the springs of salvation in order to drink and flow the water of life; in our daily living we need to drink the Lord habitually, and we need to flow Him out to others also. Amen! The gospel presented by […]
Not Forsaking God as the Fountain of Living Waters but Drinking of Him Continually

Not only is God the source, the fountain of living waters for us to drink, but in His eyes the wicked one is the one who does not come to drink of Him, and we as His people commit an evil when we forsake Him as the fountain of living waters. Oh, Lord Jesus! The […]
Experience the Incarnated and Crucified Christ to be Grains of Wheat full of Life

In the midst of the situations that limit us and press us, we may experience Christ as the grain of wheat by contacting the Lord moment by moment; we can experience the incarnated and crucified Christ to be grains of wheat full of life today. Amen! The first thing we experience of the all-inclusive Christ […]
A Renewed Training: Fear God, Walk in His Ways, Love God, and Keep Christ as His Word

In Deut. 10:12-22 we see how, as part of the renewed training God gave His people through Moses, there were nine matters that they had to take care of; these nine matters apply to us in our Christian life today. We as believers in Christ want to inherit the all-inclusive Christ as the good […]
To Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ, we must Engage in Spiritual Warfare and Defeat Satan

If we as believers in Christ would possess the good land for the fulfilment of God’s purpose, we must engage in spiritual warfare to defeat the satanic forces; for us to gain the unsearchable riches of Christ, we must crush the spiritual enemies that hinder us from enjoying Christ. Amen! The good land of […]
Fight against the Evil Forces who are Veiling the All-inclusiveness of Christ from us

We need to realize that Satan and his evil powers work to frustrate the people on earth from contacting God and receiving Christ, and the evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people; we need to fight the spiritual warfare one with the Lord and in the Body to enjoy the […]