For us to fight the good fight of the faith, we need to lay hold on the eternal life to which we were called by being open to the divine dispensing and enjoying, living by, and having our being in the eternal life we received at our regeneration. Hallelujah! As believers in Christ, we need […]
To Lay Hold on the Eternal Life to Which we were Called is to Fight the Good Fight
Preach and Teach God’s Economy concerning Christ and the Church to War the Good Warfare

As believers in Christ, we need to be those who war the good warfare against any different teachings by preaching and teaching God’s New Testament economy so that we may remain in the apostles’ teaching and be preserved in the genuine church life for the fulfilment of God’s purpose. Amen! Today there are many wars […]
Fight the Good Fight by Keeping God’s Economy and Rejecting the Different Teachings

2 Tim. 4:7 reveals that a proper Christian life involves fighting the good fight, running and finishing the course, and keeping the faith; we believers fight the good fight of the faith by fighting against any deviations from the faith, any different teachings that distract us from God’s economy, which is in faith. Amen! This […]
Enjoying the All-inclusive Christ Issues in the Church as the Temple and City of God

The issue of our enjoying and experiencing Christ as the all-inclusive good land is the church as the house of God (the temple of God) and the city of God (the kingdom of God) for Him to have a corporate expression on earth and for Him to have dominion through the church. Amen! As those […]
Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible: the Bachelor God becomes the Married God

As believers in Christ, we have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and now we walk in Him; the Christ in whom we need to walk is the Christ in His full ministry of three stages, and we need to see the progressive revelation of God in the Bible – from the “bachelor God” to […]
The Development of the Excellent Virtues through the Enjoyment of the Divine Nature

In 2 Pet. 1:3-8 we have the development of the excellent virtues through the enjoyment of the divine nature; all things which relate to life and godliness are various aspects of the divine life, as typified by the riches of the produce of the good land. Hallelujah! The good land is a land of pomegranates, […]
Being Filled and Saturated with Christ to Live Christ and be Full-Grown in Christ

If we believers in Christ see the vision of the all-inclusiveness and extensiveness of Christ, we will concentrate our whole being on this Christ, and He will fill and saturate us until to us to live is Christ; for us to be full-grown in Christ is to be filled and saturated with Christ. Amen! This […]