Like Paul in Eph. 3:16-21, we need to pray for our inner experience of the indwelling Christ for the organic building up of the church as the Body of Christ; we need to cooperate with God in prayer so that the big “machine” of the Triune God would operate in us for Christ to […]
Praying for our Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ for the Building of the Church
Deification: God is making Man the same as Him in Life and Nature, not in the Godhead
If we connect Rom. 1:3-4 and Rom. 8:29 together with 2 Sam. 7:12-14, we will realize that there’s a diamond in the Bible: deification, which implies that God’s intention in His economy is to make Himself man so that we may become God in life and nature but not in the Godhead. Hallelujah! It […]
We’re Designated Sons of God according to the Spirit of Holiness as we Walk in Spirit
The Lord Jesus, who was, is, and always will be the only begotten Son of God in His divinity, became the Son of God in a new way in resurrection, for He was designated the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness. And today we are in the process of […]
As the many Sons of God, we’re being Conformed to the Image of the Firstborn Son of God
Hallelujah, we as the many sons of God are being conformed to the image of the firstborn Son of God, Jesus Christ! The New Testament reveals that Christ as the only begotten Son of God became man, put on human nature, and was begotten by God in His humanity to be the Firstborn Son […]
Christ in His Humanity was Begotten by God to be the Firstborn Son of God in Resurrection
The Lord Jesus is the Root and the Offspring of David, and He was begotten in His resurrection to be the firstborn Son of God in His humanity, with us as the many sons of God to follow. Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus Christ is a mysterious yet wonderful Person who deserves not only our […]
Having God Wrought into us for the Church and Hastening the Coming Kingdom of Christ
The kingdom of David typifies the coming kingdom of Christ; today we have the privilege to have God wrought into our being to make us His kingdom, His people, His habitation. Hallelujah! If we look around us today we see so much violence and corruption, and there seems to be no righteousness on earth […]
As the real David, Jesus is our Shepherd and King: as He Shepherds us, we Enthrone Him
As the real David, Jesus Christ is our Shepherd and our King; as He shepherds us and cares for us, we are under His kingship, and as He rules us, we are being under His shepherding. Hallelujah! It is amazing to see that there was such a person as David in the Old Testament […]