Enjoy the Fine, Balanced, and Perfect Humanity of Jesus mingled with the Holy Spirit

 We can enjoy the fine, balanced, and perfect humanity of Jesus mingled with the Holy Spirit today. The meal offering typifies Christ in His God-man living, in particular the humanity of Jesus which is fine and balanced, and the Spirit of God as the oil being mingled with Christ’s humanity. Amen! This week in […]

Christ’s Lowly First Coming was Humble and Intimate, full of Love, for our Redemption

 The book of Zechariah reveals that the crucial point and major content of God’s move in man’s history are the two comings of Christ for the testimony of Jesus, the building of God; Zech. 9-11 speaks of Christ’s lowly first coming, which was both humble and intimate. As we are studying the books of […]

Constantly Breathe in the Lord by Calling on His Name to Pray Unceasingly

 As believers in Christ, we can never graduate from breathing the Lord; we need to breathe in the Spirit all the time by praying unceasingly and calling on the name of the Lord. Just as we physically have to breathe in order to live, so we need to spiritually breathe in order to live. […]

God Dwells in us – He is the Law of the Spirit of Life Installed in our spirit!

 It is amazing to realize that God dwells in us – He is the law of the Spirit of life installed in our spirit! Wow! Romans chapter 8 is the focus of the entire Bible and the center of the universe, and if we experience what this chapter reveals, we’re in the center of […]

Set our Entire Being Absolutely on the Lord to Love Him and Become His Duplication

 We need to set our entire being absolutely on the Lord to be transformed into His image and become His duplication, the Shulammite, consummating in the New Jerusalem as the bride of Christ. When we love God, we set our entire being on Him, we are occupied by Him and lost in Him, and […]

God as Blessing comes to us through the Divine Dispensing to Accomplish God’s Economy

 In this universe, the unique blessing is the Triune God, and this blessing comes to us through the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us for our enjoyment to accomplish His divine economy. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we start a new series based on the 2022 Thanksgiving Weekend Conference with […]

Genuine Christian Perfection is under Divine Dispensing for the Building up of the Body

 As believers in Christ, we shall be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matt. 5:48); genuine Christian perfection taught in the New Testament is according to God’s New Testament economy under God’s dispensing for the Body of Christ, that God would gain the New Jerusalem, His ultimate goal. God never intended that man […]