We need to be Constituted with the Truth to have the Divine Reality Wrought into us

We need to be constituted with the truth – the truth has to become our very constitution, even to be constant and long-term nourishment, not merely an inspiration or temporary nourishment. Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Being Constituted with the Truth and Being Absolute for the Way […]

We Grow in Life for the Church by Feeding on the Word and being Watered in the Meetings

In order for us to grow with the growth of God, we need to drink from the guileless milk of the word, eat the solid food in the word of God, and give the Lord more room in our being to grow in life for the church. Amen! All genuine believers in Christ, those who […]

Exercise our Spirit over God’s Word for the Written Word to become the Applied Word

In our experience as believers in Christ, the written word of God needs to become the living word spoken by God to us which is applied to us by and in the Spirit to become our subjective faith; we need to turn the Bible into a book that is full of life, light, spirit, and […]

Seeking God in Coming to His word to receive Wisdom from God through Contacting God

The book of Proverbs is a collection of the words of the wise, stressing the wisdom that man receives of God through his contacting of God; the kind of book Proverbs is to us depends on the kind of person we are and in what way we take it. This week in our deeper study […]

We Live according to the Principle of Life by Following the Inner Sense of Life

As believers in Christ, we need to live according to the principle of the tree of life, which is the principle of life, not according to the principle of right or wrong; the way to do this is to follow the inner sense of life. If we see a vision of the tree of life […]

We need to See a Vision of the Tree of Life: the Triune God in Christ to be our Food

As believers in Christ, we need a vision of the tree of life and realize that it signifies the Triune God in Christ to dispense Himself into His chosen people in the form of food; the tree of life is the center of the universe and it should be our center today. We need to […]

Choose the Way of Life and Live in the Principle of Life, and Reject the Way of Death

The Bible presents us two trees which are two sources issuing in two ways, two principles, and two consummations; we can either choose the way of life or the way of death, and we will arrive either in the New Jerusalem or in the lake of fire. There is a choice before us: will we […]