As believers in Christ who are learning to eat the Lord as the tree of life, we need to have proper spiritual digestion by keeping our being open to the Lord so that the spiritual food would be absorbed into us and we would be constituted with Christ. The secret to our Christian life, […]
Keep our being Open to the Lord to have Proper Spiritual Digestion and Absorb Christ
Eating and Enjoying Christ as the Tree of Life by Musing on the Word of God Daily
The secret of living the Christian life to be an overcomer is for us to take the way of eating and enjoying Christ as the tree of life; we can eat Him as our spiritual food by eating His words of spirit and life through musing on God’s word. Amen! This week we come […]
Abide in Christ, receive the Dispensing of Life, and Live as Part of the Tree of Life
As believers in Christ, those who have been grafted into Christ as the tree of life, we not only eat and drink Christ to partake of Him as our life and life supply, but we also abide in Him and become part of the tree of life, as branches in the vine. Wow, Hallelujah! […]
When we Love the Lord and Enjoy Him as the Tree of Life, we Shine as His Testimony
When we give the Lord Jesus the preeminence in all things and recover the loss of the first love, we enjoy Him as the tree of life and shine with Him to be the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus. Amen! Eating the tree of life, that is, enjoying Christ as our life and life […]
Our Christian Living is Based on the Sense of the Inner Life, not on Right or Wrong
Our Christian living is based on our inner life, and we determine everything based not on right or wrong but on the divine life within us with its sense and feeling; we need to come before God to determine what is of life and what is of death. Amen! However, if we do not […]
The Two Trees, the Two Principles of Living, and Living According to the Principle of Life
As believers in Christ, we can live by one of the two principles – we live either by the principle of life or by the principle of right and wrong, good and evil; we can either live on the line of life depending on the Lord as life or we can just live according […]
Eat the Tree of Life to be Dependent on God, and Saved from Independence and Rebellion
Eating the tree of life causes us to be dependent on God, to depend on Him as our life, but eating the tree of knowledge of good and evil causes us to rebel against God and be independent of Him. Oh, Lord Jesus! Our Christian life is not a matter of doing the right […]