It is so easy to read the Bible and try to understand it through your own perspective and way of seeing things – and especially when we come to the book of Psalms, where there are so many expressions of the sentiments, emotions, and desires of the psalmists… But we need to see that there’s […]
a governing principle in the Bible: the two trees with two lines, two flows, and two destinations!
God in Christ as the Spirit is our life and person that we may live Christ by enjoying Christ!
The Crucial Elements of the Bible are Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church. Today we are enjoying something related to LIFE – the emphasis when we come to life in the Bible is that God in Christ as the Spirit of reality is the believer’s life and everything so that Christ may live in […]
the more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious and the more we love the church life!
The more we enjoy Christ, the more we become Body-conscious. In the Body of Christ, Christ is the Head and we are the Body – and Christ is both the Head and the Body, since the Body is of Christ. When we enjoy Christ, when we touch Him in the morning, we actually enjoy Christ […]
why do we need to have a time of morning revival every day? (sharing from the One Week Training)
In the one week training, the one thing touched me the most was the Morning Revival Fellowship classes. These classes gave me a new and fresh view on how important morning revival is to a Christian. Many times in my life I have taken the practice of Morning Revival for granted. I did come to […]
experiencing and gaining the Lord even through our failures(a student’s testimony)
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for bringing me here in London, and thank You for being with me everyday! During the past academic year, I have enjoyed living a mingling life with the Lord! And I have learned to appreciate His blood and His Word, which are the judicial redemption and organic salvation, by which I […]
Christ is the Word of life: He declared the mysterious God to us and brought us the divine life!
This week we are enjoying one item from the central line of the Bible – the Word of God. But what is most interesting is that the Word of God is not “something in itself” – the main thing about the Bible is that Christ is the Word of God! We don’t come to the […]
Christ as the incarnated Word of God fully explained God, defined God, and expressed God!
Christ as the Word of God is for God’s speaking – the Word became incarnate to be a man, which means that God’s speaking was in a man! God was expressed, explained, defined, and made real to man through the Lord Jesus Christ! The man Jesus Christ was God’s Word, God’s speaking – He expressed […]