Christ as the Mystery of God is Everything to the Believers for their Enjoyment

All the genuine and seeking believers in Christ today need to see Paul’s completing ministry, and in our daily life we need to complete the word of God. This means, first of all, that we realize we are vessels to contain God as the content. Christ was the individual expression of God, but now the […]

Man is a Vessel to Receive God by Eating, Drinking, and Breathing in God

The central vision of Paul’s completing ministry is God in us as our contents, Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ. First of all, we need to see that God made us as vessels to contain Him, and He wants to be our content. It is only in […]

Building up the Body by Holding Christ as the Head to Receive the Growth in Life

The goal of our enjoyment of Christ, our experience of Christ, our going through the cross, and of everything in our Christian life is the growth of the Body, the building up of the Body. If the Body of Christ doesn’t grow unto maturity, the bride of Christ is not prepared, and Christ as the […]

Living a Life of Sacrifice by Experiencing Christ as the Wine-Producing Vine

After seeing our need to know life, grow in life, experience life, and minister life, the conclusion is: we need to live a sacrificing life in the Body of Christ, and we need to minister life to the Body for the growth of the Body. The goal of God’s plan and economy is the building […]

A Built-Up Church has God’s Rule, the Flow and Supply of Life, and God’s Light

The church today is a miniature of the New Jerusalem, and the main characteristics of the New Jerusalem should be seen today in a built-up church. First of all, the New Jerusalem has the presence of God – God is with man, dwells with man, and is one with man. In the church today the […]

The Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to Dispense Himself into us

This is a fact that all the believers in Christ should know, treasure, enjoy, and benefit of in their daily Christian life: the Triune God has been processed and consummated to dispense Himself into our entire tripartite being (John 7:37-39; Rom. 8:11). This means that God became a man and He passed through a long […]

Enjoying God as the Fountain of Living Waters and Helping Others to also Drink Him

Today we need to first enjoy God as the fountain of living waters and then be one with the Lord to encourage and shepherd others to experience and enjoy God as the fountain of living waters. The ministry of life encourages the saints, shepherds them, leads them, and guides them to one thing – to […]