Having an Opened Door and Keeping the Lord’s Word with the Little Power we Have

The church in Philadelphia is not made up of super-spiritual Christians who do great works for God, but rather, in the Lord’s eyes they are those who have a little power and have kept His word and have not denied His name, therefore the Lord has put before them an opened door which no one […]

Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna Transforms us into a White Stone bearing a New Name

It is so encouraging to see the Lord’s promise to the overcomers in the church in Pergamos, who are enjoying Christ as the hidden manna to be transformed into a white stone, approved by God, suitable for God’s building, having a name written on it that only the overcomer and the Lord knows. May we […]

Overcoming to eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to be Incorporated into New Jerusalem

To each of the seven churches He writes to in Rev. 2-3 the Lord promises a particular kind of reward for the overcomers; to those in Pergamos, who overcome the degradation in the worldly church holding the teaching of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans, the Lord promises to give them of the hidden manna and […]

Enjoying Christ as our Love, Life, and Light to keep the Testimony of Jesus

In the Lord’s epistle to the church in Ephesus there are four main points – love (loving the Lord with the first love), life (enjoying Christ as the tree of life), light (shining as the Lord’s testimony), and the lampstand (bearing the Lord’s testimony); love, life, light, and the lampstand are four crucial words in […]

We need to Maintain the eating of Christ as the Tree of Life in the Church Life

At the end of the Lord’s epistle to the church in Ephesus He calls for the overcomers, promising them to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God (Rev. 2:7); today we as believers in Christ need to maintain the eating of Christ as the tree of life in the […]

God Saved and Sanctifed us to Serve God as Priests: we are a Kingdom of Priests!

God saved us to serve Him: He delivered us from the usurpation of the world so that we may become a kingdom of priests, that we may serve God as priests. We need to see that God saved us to serve Him, and we need to choose to serve God, because if we don’t, by […]

To Serve God is to Hold a Feast to God and Sacrifice to Him by Enjoying Christ

God delivered His people Israel from the tyranny of Pharaoh and the usurpation of Egypt so that they might serve Him; God delivered us from the usurpation in the world so that we may serve Him, that is, that we may hold a feast to God and offer sacrifices to Him. It wasn’t merely because God […]