As we are contacting people and in dealing with them, we must ask, seek, and knock in prayer for the proper way to contact them; we must receive the divine supply and minister this supply to others. In Matt. 7 we see the way for us as kingdom people – as citizens of the kingdom […]
We Ask, Seek, and Knock in Prayer to Receive God’s Riches and Feed Others also
We Practice the Unique Fellowship of the Universal Body of Christ at the Lord’s Table
There is one Body in the universe, and whenever we come to the Lord’s table, we come to practice the unique fellowship of the universal Body of Christ, for as we partake of His blood and body at His table, we express and practice the unique fellowship among the churches. Hallelujah for the one Body […]
We stand with the Lord, Believe in His Promises, and take Difficulties as our Food
We need to learn from Caleb and Joshua and be resolute and determined in our will to stand with the Lord, following Him, being assured that He will do what He has promised us – He will bring us into the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ as the good land. We need to be today’s […]
Apply the Death of Christ to our Situation and Speak to Christ to Drink Living Water
In Num. 20 we see that the people of Israel were thirsty, and Moses was told to speak to the rock so that water may flow; Christ as the spiritual rock follows us to give us living water to drink whenever we’re thirsty. The smitten rock is a type of Christ, and the water flowing […]
Our Priestly Duty is to Pray and Read the Word to have God’s Speaking, His Shining
As believers in Christ, it is our priestly duty to burn the incense and light the lamps, that is, pray and read the word of God, so that the churches may be shining and the lampstand would be bright. The light of the lampstand depends on the strength of our priestly service; if we exercise […]
The Lord Jesus is the Unique Nazarite who enjoyed the Richest Grace and Sweetest Love
God’s desire is for all His people to be Nazarites, and the Lord Jesus is the unique Nazarite living in our spirit today! A Nazarite is a type of Christ in His living absolutely for God in His humanity by enjoying God as the richest grace and sweetest love to choose the good and reject […]
Four Principles to Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem as the Reality of the Body
In order for us to live out and work out the New Jerusalem to build up Zion as the reality of the Body of Christ, we need to keep certain principles and have particular experiences as seen and typified in the New Jerusalem. Whatever is ascribed to the New Jerusalem should be both our personal […]