As believers in Christ, we need to have direct and intimate fellowship with the Lord to live a life in the depths, having roots that go deep down in God and not showing forth our roots but rather, having many hidden, private, and intimate experiences with God and of God. We need to live the […]
Live a Life in the Depths and have Deep Experiences of Christ, Not Exposing our Roots
Deep Calls Unto Deep: take Time to Absorb Christ and have a Hidden Life with Him

Deep calls unto deep, and only what comes from the depths of our being can touch the depths of others’ being; we need to send roots downward and bear fruit upward, sending our roots deep down into Christ in our personal and private time with Him and not exposing our roots but having hidden and […]
Know God as a God who Hides Himself: He likes to work Secretly rather than Openly

As believers in Christ and kingdom people, we need to know God as a God who hides Himself, for even though He does countless things both outwardly and in our personal life, He Hides Himself, He conceals Himself, and He does things secretly so that we may not even realize that He is doing these […]
Kingdom People have Secret Growth in Life before God and do Righteous Deeds in Secret

As people of the kingdom of God, we believers in Christ live a hidden life, not performing our righteous deeds before men; rather, we give, we pray, and we fast in secret, having much secret growth in life before the Lord, so that our heavenly Father, who sees in secret, would reward us and be […]
As God-men, we are Living in the Kingdom of God as the Realm of the Divine Species

The kingdom of God is not only the realm of the divine life and of the divine dominion but also the realm of the divine species, in which are all the divine things; we need to live in the kingdom of God as the realm of the divine species in our daily living. Amen! We […]
The Growing of Christ within us for the Body is the Coming of the Kingdom of God

We need to see that the growing of Christ within us for the Body and in the Body is the coming of the kingdom of God in us in a practical way today. As believers in Christ, we have the divine life in the organic union with the Lord, and we need to let the […]
To Follow the Sense of Life we live a Daily life in Peace in the Divine Dispensing

Thank the Lord for the sense of life in our spirit making us know whether we are living in the natural life or in the divine life, in the flesh or in the spirit! As we follow the sense of life, we live in a calm, steady, unhurried way, living an ordinary life in the […]