As those regenerated by the Lord with His divine life, we believers in Christ have a sense of life, the feeling of the divine life in us, which is both the feeling of death and the feeling of life; may we be saved from being past feeling and live according to the consciousness of the […]
Not being Past Feeling but Living by the Sense of Life and Death in our Spirit
We enter God’s Kingdom Through Regeneration: now our Spirit knows the Kingdom of God

The unique way for us to enter into the kingdom of God is to be regenerated so that we may receive God as life; as regenerated ones, the divine life within us knows the life of God and the mind of God. Amen! We need to come back to the divine revelation in God’s word […]
The Kingdom of God is the Totality of Christ as Life with All His Activities in us

The kingdom of God is the realm of the divine life; the kingdom of God is an organism constituted with God’s life as the realm for His ruling, and the kingdom of God is the totality of Christ as life with all His activities in us. Amen! This week we start a new morning revival […]
Fight the Battle for the Kingdom of God, the Spreading of Christ as Life in Believers

As believers in Christ, we today fight the battle for the kingdom of God, for the spreading of Christ as life in the believers, for Satan attacks and frustrates the building work of God. The kingdom of God is the spreading of Christ as life into His believers to form a realm in which God […]
Churches Produced by the Propagation of Christ are the Kingdom of God on the Earth

The main subject of the apostles’ preaching in the book of Acts is the kingdom of God; the churches and the kingdom of God go together, for the churches are the kingdom of God on earth today. Amen! The third main nugget in the book of Acts is the kingdom of God. When the Lord […]
What Kind of Spirit are we Guided by? The Spirit of Jesus is the Reality of Jesus!

The Spirit of Jesus is the reality of Jesus, and this Spirit should become our constitution so that our work would be the expression of this Spirit; the Spirit of Jesus needs to be real to us by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus! Amen! Praise the Lord! If we look at the […]
We can Enjoy the Supply of the Spirit of Jesus in our Sufferings and Persecution

The Lord Jesus today is the Spirit, in particular, the Spirit of Jesus with the suffering element and the suffering strength to withstand persecution; today we have the all-inclusive Spirit of Jesus in our spirit to supply us in our Christian life. Hallelujah for the Spirit with our spirit! We believers in Christ often do […]