The good land of Canaan has a twofold significance in typology; on the positive side, it typifies the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches for our enjoyment, and on the negative side, it signifies the aerial part, the heavenly part of the dark kingdom of Satan. The good land is a type of Christ, […]
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ with His Unsearchable Riches as Everything to us
Seeing that there’s an Intense Battle for our Enjoyment of the All-inclusive Christ
If we read the Scriptures carefully, we will see that there is a battle for the good land, that is, there’s an intense battle for our enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ; the enemy does many things to keep us away from enjoying Christ as the all-inclusive One. Oh, Lord! This week we come to […]
Being the Bride of Christ as a Warrior and having the Lord’s Joy as our Strength
On one hand, the church as the bride of Christ is beautiful, holy, and glorious for God’s satisfaction; on the other hand, the church as the bride must be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and for this, we need to pray-read the Word of God to be equipped with the sword of the […]
Becoming the Lord’s Beautiful Bride by the Washing in the Word to Express Christ
The Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom is the joy set before us; for us to meet Him as His beautiful bride, there is the need for the beauty of the bride – we need to have Christ wrought into us to be expressed through us, for our beauty is the shining out of […]
The Righteousness of the Bride: Christ as our Subjective Righteousness Lived out of us
For the joy set before us, which is the Lord Jesus as our dear Bridegroom coming for His bride, we are today preparing to be the bride of Christ; there is the need for the righteousness of the bride, that is, the wedding garment that the bride wears for the wedding feast, which is […]
For the Joy set Before us there’s the Need for the Building and Maturity of the Bride
The joy set before the Lord Jesus is the church as the bride and kingdom of God, and the joy set before us is the Lord Jesus, the Bridegroom, coming for His bride, who has made herself ready; there’s the need for the maturity of the bride and the building of the bride for […]
On the Cross Christ Stripped Off the Rulers and Authorities and Triumphed over them
Col. 2:15 portrays the warfare that took place at the time of Christ’s crucifixion; as He was dying on the cross to accomplish redemption, Christ stripped off the rulers and authorities swarming around Him, putting them to shame and triumphing over them in the cross. Hallelujah! The Lord Jesus had a joy set before Him, […]