As we look unto Jesus and let the law of life operate in us, Christ becomes our faith and we simply believe, for Christ Himself believes in us, one with us. Though we are believers in Christ, in our natural being we do not have faith, but faith rises up in us when we look […]
Christ becomes our Faith as we Look unto Jesus and Let the Law of Life Operate in us
Faith is a Substantiating Ability for us to Enjoy God and Infuse God into Others
Faith is a substantiating ability infused into us by the Lord when we believe into Him; we live by faith, not by appearance, and we regard the things which are not seen, which are eternal, not the things which are seen, which are temporary. Amen! Faith is like a sixth sense which has been imparted […]
Let us Look to the Wonderful Jesus to be Infused with Faith and not be Disapproved
We need to look to the wonderful Jesus who is enthroned in the heavens to be infused with faith, run the race with endurance, and not be disapproved. As believers in Christ running the Christian race with endurance, we want to run in such a way that we are not disapproved; therefore, we look away […]
Run the Race by Looking away unto Jesus, the Author, Leader, and Perfecter of Faith
As believers in Christ, we run the Christian race by looking away unto Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith; Jesus Christ is our focus in our running, for only by looking unto Jesus can we have faith infused into us to run the race with endurance. Amen! Our Christian life today is a […]
Run with Endurance the Race set Before Us until we Finish the Course, as Paul Did
As believers in Christ, we need to run with endurance the race which is set before us, seeking out the journey that the Lord has ordained for us and faithfully walk on it and run with endurance the course until we receive the prize! Amen! This week in our morning revival we come to the […]
Fighting the Good Fight for the Truth: Know, Honor, Uphold, and Speak the Truth
As believers in Christ who have seen something of God’s economy and His interest on the earth, we are fighting the good fight for the truth by honouring God’s truth, taking the way of the truth, upholding the absoluteness of the truth, and not compromising the truth in any way. Amen! This week we have […]
Fight the Good Fight against Satan and his Kingdom of Darkness and Walk in the Light
As believers in Christ, we are fighting the good fight against Satan and his kingdom of darkness by overthrowing reasonings and every high thing rising up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive man’s thought unto the obedience of Christ. On the positive side, we fight the good fight of the faith by […]