These days we’re enjoying the fourth message from the Crystallization study of the book of Isaiah (1), entitled, The Vision of Christ in Glory. Isaiah saw God – even when he was depressed and very unhappy with the situation of the people of Israel. And this is what happened (Isaiah 6:4-5): And the foundations of […]
A real seeing of the Lord in glory exposes and terminates us, even cleanses and purges us
enjoying the Nazarite song – Lord, make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites!

So many people throughout the ages gave themselves to the Lord for His purpose – made themselves available for what He has on His heart…. History tells us the stories of the martyrs and the missionaries, and there are many more that don’t have their life recorded in any human book, but they are recorded […]
some enjoyment from my first term of training in the FTTL(the Full Time Training in London)
Thank You Lord for Your mercy – I have completed the first term of the full-time training in London. It is really the Lord’s sovereignty that I could give myself to Him to be trained together with those who love Him in this wonderful environment. I have to say that my first term has been […]
we are not being content and at ease in Zion; rather, we are being poured out, poured from vessel to vessel
In the recent Crystallization study of Isaiah (1) I enjoyed message 12 entitled The reigning in the Tent of David – Christ comes into us as life with the goal of bringing His kingdom in us. We are utterly rebellious – we were living unde the authority of darkness, but we were transferred into the […]
Knowing the Central thought of God and Living a life for the fulfillment of God’s eternal purpose

I would like to share my enjoyment from the blending meeting that we attended for the past three days. Our God is a God of purpose. He selected us, He predestinated us, He redeemed us, He saved us and He is transforming us for His purpose. Now His purpose must become our purpose, and we must […]
The word of the Lord that we hear becomes the vision that we see, and the vision becomes the burden we receive and bear
Reading through the book of Isaiah we will notice that there are these three words that are relatively interchangeable yet with a specific distinct meaning: Isaiah received the word of the Lord; Isaiah received the vision of the Lord; and Isaiah received the burden of the Lord. Recently I enjoyed the fact that the word […]
we receive a vision of Christ in glory by being revived every morning, spending adequate time with Him
The One seen by Isaiah was the King, Jehovah of Hosts – this One is the glorious Christ. Just like Isaiah, we also need to receive the vision of Christ in glory. What was amazing to me was Isaiah’s reaction to seeing this Christ in glory. Isa. 6:4-5 says: And the foundations of the threshold […]