There are so many great memories and so many things we enjoyed in this past Winter School of the Truth! There’s so much to tell, so much to share… you have to make it next time, especially if you’re in Europe! Below is a short testimony from sister Agata – some of the things she […]
from the Winter School of Truth – we need to read the Bible and to know the Lord
testimony from my first university semester – living a normal Christian church life on the campus
Praise the Lord for the church life! Praise the Lord for growing up in the church life, in a Christian family! Here, we are so cared for, protected, and shepherded in what the Lord is doing today – the practical church life. Whether “we like it or not”, we will go to the meetings with […]
some of the things I enjoyed in my first term in the Full Time Training in London
We all need to be trained. Just as a plant is “trained” to grow straight, so we while being young need to be trained – both in the secular things(to acquire the skills that we will need and use for our whole life) and also in the spiritual things. For us to cut straight the […]
testimony from being in the training – give yourself to love the Lord and be in the Body!
What is the Full Time Training? In the words on the FTTL website, “Every Christian needs training. Without training, we will not experience and enjoy Christ’s riches in full. We also need training to function and serve the Lord profitably. The Full-Time Training in London provides a special opportunity to be trained to enjoy Christ, […]
my top enjoyment from the Winter School – I certainly gained the Lord a lot!
It is such a privilege that we can set some time aside at the end of each year to attend the Winter School of Truth! This year we went through the topic, The Bible, and we saw not just what the Bible talks about, but also what the Bible is! By reading the Word we […]
sharing from the 2010 Winter School of Truth – the Bible testifies concerning the Lord Jesus
The Winter School of the Truth is a one-week-long period of time when the young people come together to enter into the truth, blend together, and fellowship around the Word of God. In Europe until now the winter school has been in London, UK. This past year – year 2010 – we went through “The […]
learning to be those who work together with God to build up the ark, the practical church life today!
This week we’re getting into the topic, Building Up Christ in our Experience to Work out Our Own Salvation (in the series, The need for a Fresh Vision of the Lord’s Recovery). In the Old Testament, God told Noah (one who not only walked with God but also worked together with God for His interest) to […]