This announcement/tip, though not very “important” outwardly or to some, it is so important to many of us who have been following the 2011 Poland Camp and the European Young People’s Conference in Poland series that it needs its own blog post. And that’s right, these messages are online now, ready to be downloaded and […]
the messages from the Young People’s Conference in Poland 2011 are online at
the importance of our time with the Lord, being vital, and being in the gospel(university training)
During the training the Lord touched me with the matters of our personal time with the Lord, vitality, and the gospel. First, I was touched by the matter of morning revival – our need to have time in the morning to be refreshed and renewed (Mark 1:35, Gen. 19:27, Phil. 3:13-14). Just like a spiritual breakfast, we can […]
that they all may be one even as You Father are in Me and I in You! (university training)
This year’s University Training was thought-provoking and exposing, but most of all it was very enjoyable! Even though I missed the first three days I felt that I gained so many valuable points. Before going into the training I had so many questions and thoughts on my mind regarding my future and what the Lord wanted […]
seeing the world, the life in the world, and the way to escape: HALLELUJAH!!! (2011 Poland Camp)
In this year’s Young People’s Conference in Poland I appreciated the brothers pointing out the facts to us – as seen in Exodus. These facts are concerning Egypt (the world system that Satan created), concerning what life in Egypt is like, and how to escape the tyranny and slavery of Egypt. I was impressed that […]
Samuel was a man according to God’s heart, God’s mind was his consideration! (university training)
The central work of God is to work Himself into His chosen and redeemed people. In order for this to happen, He needs our consecration. To consecrate ourselves to the Lord is to consent to God’s working in and on us, to consent to God’s using us, and to consent to God’s directing our ways. […]
for us to have a vision, we need revelation, light, and sight! Also, an open spirit! (university training)
Oh Lord Jesus! I enjoyed the whole University Training! But one of my top enjoyments throughout the week was the message given on “The Vision and The Ministry of The Age”. I really enjoyed that in every age there is a vision of that age and we need to serve God according to the vision […]
we need to eat Christ as the Lamb of God with all the saints in the house of God!(2011 Poland camp)
This Poland camp I was very touched that the Lord is ready to come – He is eager to come, but He needs a dispensational instrument to turn this age! The enemy is working against God’s will and his strategy is to interrupt our cooperation with the Lord according to His desire. Today’s world is Satan’s system […]