Most of the time we find it hard to turn our spirit because the soul takes the lead as our life and person, and the body and spirit become the organs who follow the lead of our soul. But we should live by allowing the spirit to take the lead in everything we do and be our life and person – and we use our soul and body as the organs following the lead of our spirit! [continue reading online a sharing from a young brother who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]
it is very good to exercise our spirit – we are God-men! (2011 winter school of truth)
What does it mean to give the Lord the preeminence, the first place, in everything?
To give the Lord the first place in our life practically means to repent and do the first works. Rev. 2:5 warns us that if we don’t repent and do the first works, the Lord will remove the lampstand. These works issue from our first love for the Lord – they are a work issuing from a heart filled with zeal for the Lord’s love, and this is precious in the Lord’s eyes. We love the Lord so much that we just do the first works – and they come out of our zeal, our love for Him! In that day, when we will stand before God at His judgement seat, He will appreciate how much of what we have done out of love for Him. Only those things we do motivated by our love for the Lord are considered gold, silver, and precious stones. If we don’t do these works, the Lord will take the lampstand! Whatever we do in the church life, we need to love the Lord and do the first works – and we will be a corporate expression of the Triune God everywhere on the earth as the golden lampstands! [continue reading online – 12 ways we can give the Lord the preeminence in our life]
to not lose our inner feeling we need to turn to our spirit! (2011 winter school of truth)
It was great experience for me to be again at the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK. Through the messages I realized that my spirit was so deadened… Brother Tom shared that if we touch a hot object, we can lose our feeling or sense of that part – the skin can become callus. If we keep a continual contact with the world and keep touching it, we can also lose our feeling or sense, just like the people today. So it’s very easy to lose our feeling…. To not lose our sense we have to deny our self and our soul life (old man), and we need to turn to the spirit! [continue reading online – a short sharing from a brother’s top enjoyment in the Winter School of truth]
God specifically chose us, sealed us, and now He owns us! (2011 winter school of truth)
Doesn’t it feel good to know that you actually belong to Someone and that Someone actually cares about you very much? I have learned that when we believed in the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God sealed us: this signifies that God is our owner and that we belong to Him! This can be related to: when a farmer wishes to seal his/her cattle so that the cattle then becomes the farmer’s property; therefore, an ownership is signified by the seal. Similarly, God is our owner and we belong to Him and only to Him! Because we have been sealed, we should bear the image of God and the expression of God. Praise the Lord, we want to SAY NO TO SATAN and SAY YES TO THE LORD! [continue reading this sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of the Truth in London, UK]
a trainee’s testimony – the sweetest time is in the saints’ homes (the real family life)
The atmosphere in the homes is very cherishing and not religious at all. Most of all I enjoyed that this is not “the time for professionals showing of their eloquence or good Bible knowledge”. On the contrary, it is a sweet and intimate time for the family to come together to enjoy the sweetest Person in the universe together! It is indeed the real family life and actually the highest life because we all share God’s life. My desire is that this fresh taste I got this autumn I hope will continue after my time in the training so that this becomes a practical part of my daily living. [continue reading this portion of sharing from a trainee in FTTL online + add your bit of enjoyment]
Lord, make me a stepping stone for Your return! Lord, I’m willing, use me in 2012!
About the new year, 2012… Lord, make me that someone who rises up and allows You to use me as a stepping stone for Your move! O, Lord, I am willing – use me! Do NOT pass me by! I don’t want to miss this opportunity! Lord, I want to count the cost and allow You to deal and break through anything that still resists You in me. Lord, what is holding me back? What idols are still there in my heart? Lord, break through in anything that holds You back in me – I want to pay the price to be filled within and clothed without with the Spirit! [continue reading online AND comment with your prayer / resolution for the year 2012]
a trainee’s testimony – learning the basic lesson of daily contacting the Lord by enjoying Him
Our Christian life is a life of romance with the Lord. I am a country girl, we are all the country girls, yet in time He came to us as a Country Man to court us and gain us to be His bride. How lovely He is! I love Him as such a divine-human being. Our Triune God is a lovely One, He knows exactly how to attract us, to deal with us, and to gain us. Though we can’t physically see this One, by gazing at Him we are infused with Him as faith, and our reaction to this attractive One is our love for Him. [continue reading this testimony online]