We can cooperate with Christ in His heavenly ministry today – in the day of His warfare – by having an absolute and thorough consecration to the Lord. Actually, “the fullness of one’s experience of life depends on the fullness of one’s experience of consecration” (W. Lee, Experience of Life). What is consecration? What is […]
the basis, motive, meaning, purpose, and result of our consecration to God
willingly offering ourselves to the Lord to water Him in the day of His warfare

Psalm 110:3 says, Your people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your warfare, in the splendor of their consecration. Your young men will be to You like the dew from the womb of the dawn. In the day of the Lord’s warfare in His heavenly ministry, He needs to be watered and refreshed […]
today the church is the depository and the storehouse of the power of resurrection

Ephesians 1:22-23 says, “And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all.” It is so easy to take these verses for granted, but if we are enlightened by the Lord […]
touching the hem of the garments of the resurrected Christ in our experience
The reality of resurrection is in the spirit – whenever we are in our mingled spirit and one spirit with the Lord, we touch resurrection with its freedom from all manner of limitation! In our spirit experiencing the resurrection life we conquer everything! This is why the Body of Christ as a reproduction of the resurrected Christ is INVINCIBLE – the Body of Christ is unconquerable and undefeated! Death will attack and may seem to prevail – but wait for the third day, the day of resurrection! Resurrection prevails! Resurrection has the last word! [read more online]
being identified with Christ to dwell in God and see the extension of our days
There are so many wonderful things that we enjoy when we are in this sweet identification with Christ! Psalm 91 speaks of Christ, the One who lived a life fully one with the Father and took God as His dwelling place. In identification with Christ, we also are under the keeping care of the angels, and we tread upon the enemy Satan (see Psa. 91:11-13 and Matt. 4:6). The way we defeat Satan, the serpent that poisons God’s people and the lion that devours God’s people is by being identified with Christ! In Christ we overcome the enemy and we tread upon his head. [read more online]
God’s heart is set on Zion with Christ, and everything He does is for this!
Our view and our vision need to be uplifted from seeing our own needs and the needs of others – to seeing God’s need, His heart’s desire, what makes Him happy. The truth is that if God gets what He desires, if we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33), all the other things will be given to us as well. God just wants Christ in Zion, He wants Zion with Christ – He does everything for His Christ, for His Zion, and for His house and His city in order that one day He might gain the entire earth through Christ with His overcomers. God is for this, and we are for this. This is God’s economy and His desire! [read more online]
turning our tears of weeping into springs of blessings by setting our eyes on Zion
The highways to Zion is not superficial or cheap; the way of the church life demands a price that we need to pay. It is not external, superficial, or cheap. If we wouldn’t care for Christ and the church that much, we wouldn’t suffer; but as we care for the church life, we will partake of the sufferings needed for the building up of the Body of Christ. We will have sufferings related to the church, related to God’s economy, some misunderstandings from your family because you stand for the church, etc – and you may shed tears…. But the Lord turns those tears to be the Spirit! You will be all the more filled with the Spirit and released in your spirit that you may flow! [read more online]