The Father’s House is Built up by the Constant Visitation of the Triune God Indwelling us

 As believers in Christ, we are the many abodes in the Father’s house, and we are built up by the constant visitation of the Triune God, the Father and the Son with the Spirit to be the mutual dwelling place of God and man. Hallelujah! The Bible is truly a wonderful and amazing book, […]

Christ was Glorified in His Resurrection and Released the Fire of His Divine Life!

 Christ was glorified by the Father in His resurrection and released the glory of His divinity, that is, He cast the fire of the divine life on the earth to enlarge the divine incorporation and include man. Hallelujah! What God desires to gain today is a corporate entity among men that is filled with […]

The Consummated Triune God and the Regenerated Believers are a Divine-Human Incorporation

 We need to see and realize that, in the entire universe, there is only one thing that God wants, and that is the universal incorporation of Himself as the consummated God with the regenerated believers; He wants to gain the divine-human incorporation of the consummated God with the regenerated believers. Wow! This week we […]

We have the Right to Bear God’s Likeness and to be God-man Kind, God’s Species

 As believers in Christ, we are God-men, born of God with His life and nature, and we have the divine right to participate in God’s likeness to bear His likeness, and we have the right to participate in God’s species, for we are God-man kind. Hallelujah! Many times we believers behave in a certain […]

We have the Divine Right to Participate in God’s Sonship and in God’s Manifestation

 The believers in Christ are God-men, and they have the divine right to participate in God’s sonship and also to participate in God’s manifestation. Hallelujah! We were born of our human parents to have the life and nature of our parents and are therefore sons of men, enjoying the rights of a man. As […]

We have the Right to Participate in God’s Image and to Participate in God’s Glory

 As believers in Christ, we are God-men who have the divine right to participate in God’s image by being metabolically transformed into the image of Christ and we have the right to participate in God’s glory. Hallelujah! We need to be reminded of our divine rights. We are not only human beings but divine-human […]

Participate in God’s Mind to have the Mind of Christ and Participate in God’s Being

 Because we believers in Christ have become God-men through regeneration, we have the right to participate in God’s mind and have the anointing, the inner sense of life in our spirit, and we have the right to participate in God’s being. The New Testament clearly tells us that as many as believe into Christ, […]