The Crucial Elements of the Bible – Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church!

What are the most crucial elements of the Bible? The Bible must have some crucial elements – some important elements without which the Bible can be “an empty shell”. Just like a nut has a shell, the meat, and the kernel, so the Bible has a kernel which needs to be discovered and known in […]

the seven Spirits of God in Revelation are for God’s building, for the producing of the New Jerusalem

The last aspect of THE SPIRIT is the seven Spirits – as we see in Rev. 1:4, 4:5, and 5:6, in the book of Revelation the Spirit is “the seven Spirits of God”. This does not mean that there are seven separate Spirits today, but that the one Spirit of God has been intensified sevenfold […]

The function of the compound Spirit is to anoint us with all the elements of the compound ointment!

We have seen what the ingredients and the components of the holy anointing ointment are – the only God with divinity, the Triune God(the Father, the Son, and the Spirit), man(the creature of God), the precious death of Christ, the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ’s death, the precious resurrection of Christ, the power of Christ’s […]

having a richer understanding of the compound Spirit as we consider the numbers and ingredients

There is so much included in the all-inclusive life-giving compound Spirit, which is THE SPIRIT today! We are used to “read the Bible” and then just take things for granted as we read them; but if we exercise our spirit and pay attention to what the Bible really says, putting the glasses of God’s economy […]

the compound Spirit includes the precious resurrection of Christ(calamus) and its repelling power(cassia)

Hallelujah for such a wonderful all-inclusive life-giving compound Spirit! In this Spirit – who “was not yet” at the time of the Lord Jesus was on the earth but who after His resurrection has been compounded and consummated – we have God, we have man, and we have the death and resurrection of Christ! Yesterday […]

the precious death of Christ and the sweetness & effectiveness of His death are in the Compound Spirit!

Christ as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit today is the compound Spirit – He has been “compounded” with all the elements He picked up in the process He went through. In Exodus 30:23-25 we see that there was an anointing oil being compounded according to the work of a compounder – a holy anointing oil which […]

the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit of Jesus Christ was NOT YET before Christ’s resurrection

These days we’re going through The Central Line of The Bible, and as we previously saw, these main items revealed in the Bible are, the Word of God, the Triune God, the All-Inclusive Christ, the Life-Giving Spirit, the Body of Christ, and the New Jerusalem. These are not just “terms we find the Bible” or something […]