No matter how modern, cool, or amazing things people have or invent – the advance of the technology and entertainment in the world today has not filled the emptiness within man; rather, it has enlarged it, since they try to be filled and happy with so many things when only One Thing satisfies – God Himself! Only the high truths in the Lord’s recovery can match the need of today’s hunger in the world – people are fed up with the low feel-good gospel in the Christianity.
we are commissioned to preach the high gospel, the entire truth revealed in the Word of God
God is a flowing stream of water of life, and He rules in us by watering us and giving us to drink
God Himself is the fountain, the source, Christ the Son is the spring of this water, and the Spirit is the living stream – flowing all the time! Praise the Lord, the divine stream has reached us! When we believed into the Lord, the flowing Triune God entered into us and now He flows as the Spirit within our spirit, even in our whole being. God does everything by the means of this flow – in the divine stream there’s the tree of life (the life-suppy and nourishment), and as we drink of the river of life, we are brought under God’s dominion and rule! Praise the Lord – we are in the divine stream!
You spread a table before me in the presence of my adversaries; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over
Psa. 23:5 is the fourth stage of the deeper and higher enjoyment of the resurrected Christ, where the Lord spreads a table before us in the presence of our adversaries and He anoints our head with oil, our cup runs over! What a rich portion! What a rich Christ! Right after our passing through the […]
I will declare Your name to My brothers; in the midst of the church I will sing hymns of praise to You
Praise the Lord for His church-producing resurrection! After passing through His redeeming death (Psa. 22:1-22), Christ entered into His church-producing resurrection (Psa. 22:22-31). The aspects emphasized in Psalms 22 are the church and the many brothers being produced in Christ’s resurrection. When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, He called His followers His disciples, […]
Christ in His ascension: His attainments, obtainments, the fulness of joy, and pleasures forever!
The spirit of the Bible is to exalt Christ, and in Psalm 16 we see a revelation of Christ as a wonderful Person in God’s economy! We need to see this Christ and appreciate Him for what He is and what He does. We need to ask the Lord to heal our eyes and remove […]
appreciating the Lord Jesus in His wonderful death and resurrection as seen in Psalms 16:9-11
Psalms 16 is a short psalm but reveals so much about the Lord Jesus in His human living, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension – even without mentioning these words. This One, the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Beloved of the Father, the Firstborn Son of God, the One who fulfills God’s heart’s desire […]
we are being produced as babes and sucklings who offer God the perfected praise to defeat His enemy!
In Psalms 8 we see that God establishes strength – perfects praise from the mouths of the babes and sucklings. It’s not the “strong young men” or the “mighty warriors” that fight for God and defeat the enemy – at least in this psalm. It is like Paul said in 1 Cor. 1:28-30, … The lowborn […]