Working for God by the Spirit by Being Filled Inwardly and Clothed Outwardly

The unique work God is doing today and the unique work in the Lord’s recovery is a work in ascension, by the Spirit, and in the divine stream. We have seen that for us to work one with God in what He is doing today we need to be in ascension, that is, in our […]

Experiencing the Outpouring of the Spirit and Being Stirred in our Spirit

In relation to the revival and restoration aspired for by all believers and unbelievers alike, there are many aspects and prayers all throughout the Minor Prophets. One of the most famous yet misinterpreted one is Joel 2:28-29, where God promises to pour out His Spirit upon all His people and revive them. Every day we […]

Let Us Return to the Lord: He will Enliven us, Bind us up, and Restore us!

The aspiration for revival and restoration can be seen everywhere in the Bible, and especially in the Minor Prophets. On the one hand, Habakkuk prayed for revival (Hab. 3:2); on the other hand, Hosea speaks of, Let us return to Jehovah… on the third day He will raise us up and we will live in […]

Christ as the Word of God expresses and defines God in His goings forth

In Micah 5:2 we see Christ’s goings forth from eternity, and in John 1 we see the five greatest events in the history of the universe, all which involve Christ’s goings forth from eternity on the bridge of time and then back into eternity. What is most impressive is that through all these five great […]

seeing Christ in the five greatest events in the history of the universe

The universe is definitely mysterious, but if you were to point out what are the most mysterious events that happened in the history of the universe, what would they be? First of all, we haven’t been around that long, so all we can speak is from our own perspective and knowledge. But if we read […]

Christ made peace, He is our peace, and He preaches the gospel of peace

Why is the sign of the prophet Jonah so significant that the Lord said that there’s no other sign He can give people except this one? The unique sign given to us by God is the crucified and resurrected Christ preaching the gospel of peace! Just as Jonah was called by God to go to […]

seeing the divine history from Christ’s crucifixion to the New Jerusalem

Isn’t it so mysterious to be talking about, the divine history within the human history? And yet we, as believers in Christ, are those who daily endeavor to be here, live here, and have our whole being with all our activities and things in the developing divine history hidden within the human history. This history […]