Practicing Being One Spirit with the Lord to Stay in the Process of God’s Salvation

The desire of God’s heart is not only to be worshipped by man but to be one with man and make man one with Him. The only way He can do this is by getting into man as life and being man’s life and person. God created man in His image and with His likeness, […]

The Secret of God’s Salvation: the Consummated Spirit with our Regenerated Spirit

Christ today is the life-giving Spirit, the Spirit of reality, coming to us to reach us, touch us, unite Himself with us, saturate us, mingle us with Himself, fill us, constitute us, and build us up into His habitation (see 2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Cor. 15:45). The Spirit is not “a power” or “a ghost”, […]

Subjectively Knowing Christ as the Indwelling One, the Life-Giving Spirit

The central element of Paul’s ministry, the most important matter in our Christian life, and the most missed thing in Christianity today is the indwelling Christ, Christ living in us (Col. 1:27; Gal. 2:20). The Lord Jesus spoke about it before He went to the cross and the apostles emphasized it very much in the […]

Christ is Everything to the Church for Us to be God’s Living Testimony on Earth

The central vision of the completing ministry of Paul is man being a vessel to contain God and be filled with God, Christ as the mystery of God, and the church as the mystery of Christ. Seeing that Christ is the mystery of God is not such a simple matter – we need the entire […]

Christ as the Mystery of God is Everything to the Believers for their Enjoyment

All the genuine and seeking believers in Christ today need to see Paul’s completing ministry, and in our daily life we need to complete the word of God. This means, first of all, that we realize we are vessels to contain God as the content. Christ was the individual expression of God, but now the […]

The Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to Dispense Himself into us

This is a fact that all the believers in Christ should know, treasure, enjoy, and benefit of in their daily Christian life: the Triune God has been processed and consummated to dispense Himself into our entire tripartite being (John 7:37-39; Rom. 8:11). This means that God became a man and He passed through a long […]

Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become His Increase

We as Christians and genuine believers in Christ need to do one thing: we need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters! Yes, we need to read the Bible, we need to pray, we need to meet with other saints, and we need to do so many other things, but first and […]