We have seen quite number of details regarding Israel’s exodus from Egypt in Exo. 12:29-42 such as being delivered by the saving God with His mighty hand, plundering the Egyptians on their way out, watching with and to Jehovah throughout the night of the Passover, leaving Egypt as an army arrayed for battle, and breaking […]
Experiencing the Resurrection Life to be Sanctified and have a New Beginning Daily
Based on God’s Redemption, the Excluding Flame has Become the Indwelling Spirit!
When God created man He had a specific purpose in mind: He wanted man to be in His image and according to His likeness to express Him and represent Him on earth by taking God in as his life and living by Him. After creating man, God put him in front of the tree of […]
A Revelation of the Divine Trinity in the Types and Pictures in the Book of Exodus
In the Old Testament there are a lot of pictures, types, and figures which are fulfilled and realized in the New Testament. The entire Bible speaks of and is wrapped up with the Divine Trinity, and we can see both the Triune God and the working of the Triune God in all the books of […]
The Building up of the Church as the Body of Christ is by the Mingling of God and Man
The growth of the Body of Christ depends on the growth of God in all the members of the Body; the Body grows with the growth of God. All the Body causes the growth of the Body by the joints of rich supply and the operation in the measure of each one part (Eph. 4:16). […]
Being Diligent to Maintain and Keep the Oneness of the Spirit in All Lowliness
Today we are toward the end of the age of the church, and what the Lord is bringing into being is the one new man. In the church life we need to have some crucial experiences, and one of them is how to realize the church life in a practical way in the reality of […]
Having the Divine Reality Wrought into us to Become our Reality, Life, and Living
The church life is nothing else but Christ Himself being enjoyed, realized, experienced, and expressed through the believers in Christ for God’s corporate expression. In order for the church life to be such a place, we need to have our soul subdued and saturated with Christ as the life-giving Spirit. If we all live in our […]
Christ Died for the Church to Sanctify her and Present her to Himself Glorious
In order for the church to display the multifarious wisdom of God to the enemy and to the whole universe, Christ Himself became wisdom from God to us as righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. We were sinners, lost and even dead in sin, but Christ came and died for us to redeem us and bring us […]