In Resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to Receive Him as the Holy Breath!

Hallelujah, in His resurrection Christ became the Spirit for us to receive Him as the holy breath simply by calling on His name day by day! God’s intention is to gain a corporate God-man for His corporate manifestation in this universe; what He desires is not a good man but a God-man, a man of […]

The Seed of David became the Son of God: how we can Cooperate with God’s Intention

Jesus Christ is the seed of David, having a dignified human nature which was exalted and glorified along with His divine nature; the seed of David – Christ as the Son of Man according to the flesh – became the Son of God, implying that God’s intention is to make Himself man so that man […]

The Lord Jesus was Raised from the Dead in Victory and as Firstfruits of Resurrection

In His resurrection, the Lord Jesus as the Son of Man was raised from the dead and as the Son of God He resurrected Himself from the dead; furthermore, He offered Himself to the Father as the firstfruits in resurrection for His satisfaction. Hallelujah! In 2 Tim. 2:8 Paul said, Remember Jesus Christ, raised from […]

Progressive Revelation of God in the Bible: the Bachelor God becomes the Married God

As believers in Christ, we have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, and now we walk in Him; the Christ in whom we need to walk is the Christ in His full ministry of three stages, and we need to see the progressive revelation of God in the Bible – from the “bachelor God” to […]

Living one Spirit with the Lord until the Spirit and the Bride say, Come, Lord Jesus!

In order for us as believers in Christ to walk in Christ, that is, to walk according to the spirit and by the Spirit as the reality of the good land, we must see that the key to the spiritual fellowship of the regenerated tripartite believers with the consummated Triune God is 1 Cor. 6:17, […]

Not Forsaking God as the Fountain of Living Waters but Drinking of Him Continually

Not only is God the source, the fountain of living waters for us to drink, but in His eyes the wicked one is the one who does not come to drink of Him, and we as His people commit an evil when we forsake Him as the fountain of living waters. Oh, Lord Jesus! The […]

God in Christ as the Flowing Spirit is Reaching us as Living Water for us to Drink

 The all-inclusive Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit is a land of water brooks, of springs and of fountains, flowing forth in valleys and in mountains; the Triune God as the flowing Spirit is the living water for us to drink and be satisfied, and this living water flows to us wherever we are! Amen! […]