Christ is the Son of Man, the Second Man, and the Last Adam to Fulfill God’s Purpose

God’s intention in creating man is to gain a corporate man to express Him and represent Him; Christ as the Son of Man, the second Man, and the last Adam fulfills God’s intention in creating man. Hallelujah! This week we come to a further topic on how the church as the one new man fulfills […]

The Unlimited Christ gains us as His Universal Increase by the Immeasurable Spirit

As believers in Christ, we are serpentine people who are in the process of becoming the universal increase of the unlimited Christ by the immeasurable Spirit with the eternal life. Hallelujah, Christ came to die for us as the bronze serpent, and He also died as the Lamb of God, as a Man in the […]

The serpent and the Bride: how we as Satan’s Increase are Becoming Christ’s Increase

In John 3 we see the serpent and the bride; though we were bitten by the serpent and are serpentine in nature, Christ came and was lifted up as our Substitute, bore God’s judgment for us, and we can believe in Him to become part of His increase, His bride. Wow, what a marvelous plan […]

We need to Dig the Dirt in our Heart so that the Spirit may Spring up and Flow Freely

The rock in Exo 17 and Num. 20 is a type of Christ who was smitten for us on the cross to flow out the divine life, and the well in Num. 21 is a type of Christ within us flowing out as we cooperate to dig the dirt, dig away all the barriers. The […]

Drinking the Spirit by being Identified with the Crucified Christ and Speaking to Him

Christ as the spiritual rock that follows us all the days of our Christian life has been smitten, and we simply need to drink the Spirit, for drinking the Spirit solves most of our problems, makes us the Body of Christ, and prepares us to be the bride of Christ. It is so wonderful to […]

Drinking and Flowing the Water of Life in Resurrection to become the Body and the Bride

How we thank and praise the Lord for being smitten for us on the cross and flowing out the water of life in resurrection for us to drink and be formed into the Body of Christ and prepared as the bride of Christ consummating in the New Jerusalem! Hallelujah! As we are considering the deeper […]

Christ as the Rock was Smitten so that the Water of Life would Flow for us to Drink

Praise the Lord, Christ as the living, spiritual rock was smitten by the authority of God’s law so that the water of life in resurrection could flow out of Him and into His redeemed people for them to drink! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, Speaking to the Rock […]